I have recently spend quite a few hours to get NHibernate to get me one result set with VIsual Studio 2005. I don't have a link to the code for that, but here are some points from my prolonged experience.
1) Keep NHibernate related code in a seperate DLL project, dont mix it with your regular web project. This is because, with web project, you will not get the name of assembly to load.
2) I could not get NHibernate to read the config file. If it doesn't work for you, then try setting the properties programatically.
3) I used MySQL MyISAM tables, which I like coz they offer amazing speed. Unfortunately NHibernate doesnt work with that. I removed the transaction related code to make it work.
I myself have tons of questions about which I am trying to find answers in this forum and for eahc search i get million posts. Maybe putting a new post could be simpler !
cheers !