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 Post subject: Microsoft Sql server ntext problem
PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:12 pm 

Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:48 pm
Posts: 6
When I try to write to a table with a field of type ntext, some string size of 100KB, all that has been written is string of 4kB. I know about a restriction but I dont know to remove it. Please help.

Hibernate version:

Mapping documents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.0">
<class name="Accordia.DataLayer.Configuration.AppRssCatalog, DataLayer" table="app_rss_catalog">

<id name="AppRssCatalogId" column="app_rss_catalog_id" type="Int32" unsaved-value="0">
<generator class="native"/>
<property column="rss_catalog_time_to_live" type="Int32" name="RssCatalogTimeToLive" />
<!-- this feeld is a problem--><property column="rss_catalog" type="String" name="RssCatalog" not-null="true" length="1073741823" />
<property column="currnetly_avaible" type="Boolean" name="CurrnetlyAvaible" not-null="true" />
<property column="last_time_refershed" type="DateTime" name="LastTimeRefershed" not-null="true" />
<property column="start_date" type="DateTime" name="StartDate" not-null="true" />
<property column="end_date" type="DateTime" name="EndDate" />
<property column="xml_url" type="String" name="XmlUrl" not-null="true" length="1000" />
<many-to-one name="AppRssCatalogCategoryId" column="app_rss_catalog_category_id" class="Accordia.DataLayer.Configuration.AppRssCatalogCategory,DataLayer" />


Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():
ISession sess = SessionManager.getSession();

System.Net.WebClient webClient = new WebClient();

string str = ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetString(webClient.DownloadData(@"http://news.com.com/2547-1_3-0-5.xml"));

AppRssCatalog rss = new AppRssCatalog();
rss.RssCatalog = str; //this string
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
string timeToLive = String.Empty;
foreach(XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("/rss/channel/ttl"))
timeToLive = node.InnerText;
if (timeToLive != String.Empty)
rss.RssCatalogTimeToLive = int.Parse(timeToLive);
rss.RssCatalogTimeToLive = 0;
rss.CurrnetlyAvaible = true;
rss.XmlUrl = @"http://news.com.com/2547-1_3-0-5.xml";

AppRssCatalogCategory cat = (AppRssCatalogCategory)sess.Get(typeof(AppRssCatalogCategory), 1);
rss.AppRssCatalogCategoryId = cat;


Full stack trace of any exception that occurs:

Name and version of the database you are using:
SQL Server 2005

The generated SQL (show_sql=true):

Debug level Hibernate log excerpt:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:40 pm 

Joined: Wed May 11, 2005 4:59 pm
Posts: 1766
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Use type="StringClob" for the problem field.

 Post subject: Thanks
PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 4:44 am 

Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:48 pm
Posts: 6
I tried it and it works. Thanks a lot.

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