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 Post subject: Query Question
PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 12:49 pm 
I am working on a query for NHibernate that needs to generate SQL that performs a join on multiple Keys. This is the query we thought would
work, but apparently the ON Syntax is incorrect.

SELECT tmpLocalizedLearningObjects, tmpLearningObjectsSession
FROM GeoLearning.Core.Course AS tmpCourse
JOIN tmpCourse.LearningObjects AS tmpLearningObjects
JOIN tmpLearningObjects.LocalizedLearningObjects AS tmpLocalizedLearningObjects
JOIN tmpLocalizedLearningObjects.AvailableCulture AS tmpAvailableCulture
JOIN tmpAvailableCulture.Language AS tmpLanguage
JOIN tmpAvailableCulture.Country AS tmpCountry
LEFT OUTER JOIN tmpLearningObjects.LearningObjectHasLearningObjectSessions AS tmpLearningObjectHasLearningObjectSessions
LEFT OUTER JOIN tmpLearningObjectHasLearningObjectSessions.LearningObjectSession AS tmpLearningObjectsSession
ON tmpLearningObjectsSession.Id=tmpLearningObjectHasLearningObjectSessions.LearningObjectsSessionId
AND tmpLearningObjectsSession.UserId = '499efa8d-07b4-4131-8d27-099fe3ea0d11'
WHERE tmpCourse.Id = 'bda1d519-ebd0-45eb-a842-4d407a8c8bec'
AND tmpLanguage.Code = 'en'
AND tmpCountry.Code = 'US'

We recieve a
NHibernate.QueryException: unexpected token: ON [<Query Omitted for post>]

Is there another way to achieve this query?

-Steve Nelson

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:11 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 09, 2005 11:35 am
Posts: 101
i think hql does not support on clause yet. you may be able to use your dialect specific outer join syntax to do this.

SELECT tmpLocalizedLearningObjects, tmpLearningObjectsSession
FROM GeoLearning.Core.Course AS tmpCourse
JOIN tmpCourse.LearningObjects AS tmpLearningObjects
JOIN tmpLearningObjects.LocalizedLearningObjects AS tmpLocalizedLearningObjects
JOIN tmpLocalizedLearningObjects.AvailableCulture AS tmpAvailableCulture
JOIN tmpAvailableCulture.Language AS tmpLanguage
JOIN tmpAvailableCulture.Country AS tmpCountry
LEFT OUTER JOIN tmpLearningObjects.LearningObjectHasLearningObjectSessions AS tmpLearningObjectHasLearningObjectSessions
,tmpLearningObjectHasLearningObjectSessions.LearningObjectSession AS tmpLearningObjectsSession
WHERE tmpCourse.Id = 'bda1d519-ebd0-45eb-a842-4d407a8c8bec'
AND tmpLanguage.Code = 'en'
AND tmpCountry.Code = 'US'
AND tmpLearningObjectsSession.UserId = '499efa8d-07b4-4131-8d27-099fe3ea0d11'

replace the where clause portion to as you would do a native outer join in your database.

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