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 Post subject: Session and Transaction across multiple business Components
PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 10:39 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 20, 2005 10:22 pm
Posts: 6
I am looking for some advice on how to solve this issue. I currently have multiple business components (all in the same assembly) which do some business logic. So for instance, i have an Order Business Component and a Inventory Business Component. Both of these components are marked as internal. The inventory component has one function called ModifyInventoryCount and the Order Component has one function called TakeOrder.

I also have anohter layer on top of this called a service layer that is public and all external assemblies access.

The order component calls the inventory components ModifyInventoryCount in its TakeOrder function. The problem im having is how do i create a transaction around this? currently each function opens its own session and its own transaction and of course closes each one, but i wish to wrap them in one session and one transaction?

i thought of a coupe possible solutions

1.) use com+ transaction attributes on the web service since these will be used over a web service. Can this be done with Nhibernate in my scenario? I am not really wild about this since i know basically nothing about com+

2.) Pass an ISession object as a parameter into every method of a business component. This would work but doesnt seem very clean. Of course my service layer would then be responisble for the session and transaction management.

3.) duplicate the ModifiyInventoryCount code inside of the TakeOrder function so that it can all be wraped in on transaction. This is screaming maintenance nightmare.

What do you guys normally do in this situation? or am i going about this all wrong? :)

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 3:57 am 

Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2004 6:27 am
Posts: 81
Location: Yaroslavl, Russia
In similar setup we use COM+ transactions. You can find approximate code here.

Please note, that this code a bit outdated. For example, passing a ready and open connection to the Session.Open prevents from caching objects in second level cache.

Andrew Mayorov // BYTE-force

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