I've seen examples in Hibernate docs to filter on properties of related entities in a criteria query using CreateCriteria or CreateAlias like this:
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.add( Expression.like("name", "F%")
.add( Expression.like("name", "F%")
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.createAlias("kittens", "kt")
.createAlias("mate", "mt")
.add( Expression.eqProperty("kt.name", "mt.name") )
NHibernate doesn't seem to have these methods in the ICriteria interface. Anyone know any approach to accomplish this in 0.8.4?
I had actually created a separate criteria and cast it to an ICriterion, added it to the criteria, and then added an expression with success previously, but now it doesn't work.
Any advice appreciated. Thanks.