the doc states (3.1.8 - timestamp):
The optional <timestamp> element indicates that the table contains timestamped data. This is intended as an alternative to versioning. Timestamps are by nature a less safe implementation of optimistic locking. However, sometimes the application might use the timestamps in other ways.
I used to have a DateTime column named LastUpdateDate which I updated each time my object get modified. The drawback of this method is that when I call NH to saveorupdate the object with no dirty field except LastUpdateDate, I get an unnecessary database update...
I thought of using a <timestamp> declaration instead of a <column>.
If I do so and no field is dirty, will NH skip the update of the object ? Or will it update the object with only the timestamp modified ?
As an application "might use the timestamp in other ways" such as this one, am I ensured that this usage will still be supported later ?
kind regards