I'm new to (N)Hibernate and have couple of questions .....(sorry for my bad english)
I have entity which holds reference to another object. This object is not entity itself and i don't want to persist it to any table. Just use XmlSerializer and save resulting xml to ntext column of my parent entity table.
Can you pleas kick my to the right direction ?
Implement ILifecycle interface ?
I ques, there is not direct support for this in NHibernate ?
I have second question....
I'm trying to test my DAL in the same way as NHibernate tests are wrote. So I Use SchemaExport to create and drop schema.
In my mapping files, I use <column> child elements (for property etc) to specifi column type, length etc.
Problem is that when I specify for example nvarchar column liky this:
<column name="Descr" length="200" sql-type="nvarchar" not-null="true"/>
resulting column is of type nvarchar, but WITHOUT length specified! This is problem because default length of (n)varchar columns on sql server 2000 is 1. However, I'v found workaround that I specify length like this: sql-type="nvarchar(200)"
Is this bug ?
Thanx for Your time !