sergey wrote:
Is there maybe some connection string parameter will set the charset? Does this happen with HQL queries? I'm not familiar with Oracle, so I can't help much, unfortunately.
I'll have to check to see if there are any parameter that can be passed. Here is the log file. I tried to format it a little nicer. What I don't understand is that if I use System.Data.OracleClient with a parapared statement it works just fine.
NHibernate.Impl.BatcherImpl [] <> - about to open: 0 open IDbCommands, 0 open DataReaders
NHibernate.Impl.BatcherImpl [] <> - Building an IDbCommand object for the SqlString: SELECT this.file_type as file_type0_, this.created_userid as created_3_0_, this.description as descript2_0_, this.created_dtm as created_4_0_ FROM av49_file_type this WHERE (this.file_type = :this.file_type)
NHibernate.Type.NullableType [] <> - binding 'S' to parameter: 0
2005-05-13 13:49:19,468 [3196] INFO NHibernate.Loader.Loader [] <> - SELECT this.file_type as file_type0_, this.created_userid as created_3_0_, this.description as descript2_0_, this.created_dtm as created_4_0_ FROM av49_file_type this WHERE (this.file_type = :p0)
NHibernate.Impl.BatcherImpl [] <> - Preparing SELECT this.file_type as file_type0_, this.created_userid as created_3_0_, this.description as descript2_0_, this.created_dtm as created_4_0_ FROM av49_file_type this WHERE (this.file_type = :p0)
NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider [] <> - Obtaining IDbConnection from Driver
NHibernate.Impl.BatcherImpl [] <> - done closing: 0 open IDbCommands, 0 open DataReaders