I have become completely stuck on an issue. Here's the scenario (using NHibernate 3.3.0 CR1 on an ASP.NET based website):
When a user is checking out on the site, as part of the final process it creates an order object and saves it to the database. Order items are saved along with the order. Then the application attempts to process the credit card. If the credit card authorization fails, it deletes the order and displays a validation failed message. If the user chooses to try again after correcting the info, an entirely new order object is created, saved and a new auto id is applied to it. If the user has chosen to have items shipped it creates a record in the appropriate shipment table for each item (UPS ship record, freight ship record, etc). The shipment record has the order item id as a foreign key linking the 1-1 relationship. This is where it blows up, but ONLY if an order was previously deleted!!?? Upon trying to save the shipment record (after the order and line items have been saved), it says that there isn't a line item id matching the one assigned to it. Now note that this process works perfectly if nothing is deleted every time. It only fails if an order is deleted and then you try to save a new one. It's the exact same code, and nothing is done differently whatsoever, so I know this has to have to do with NHibernate in some crazy form or fashion.
Everything is done inside a transaction, so I can't physically see the entries in the database at that time (it gets committed at the end of the request cycle), but by checking the properties on the objects I can see they have had id's successfully assigned to them. Since everything is using the same transaction they should all be within the same scope.
Below is the code where it fails. Note that the order and its items have already been saved at this point. The exact error message I get is: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`tapinsulation`.`echoshipment`, CONSTRAINT `LineItemIdFK1` FOREIGN KEY (`LineItemId`) REFERENCES `lineitem` (`Id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION)
EchoShipment echoRecord = new EchoShipment(order, trackingNumber, plant, item, isPickup);
EchoShipmentDAO EchoDAO = new EchoShipmentDAO();
echoRecord= EchoDAO.Save(echoRecord);
Here's the pertinent section from the order object config:
<bag name="lineItems" access="field" lazy="false" cascade="all-delete-orphan" >
<key column="OrderId" />
<one-to-many class="TapInsulation.Model.LineItem, TapInsulation.Model" />
<bag name="upsShipments" access="field" lazy="false">
<key column="OrderNumber" />
<one-to-many class="TapInsulation.Model.UPSShipment, TapInsulation.Model" />
<bag name="echoShipments" access="field" lazy="false">
<key column="OrderNumber" />
<one-to-many class="TapInsulation.Model.EchoShipment, TapInsulation.Model" />
and the pertinent section from the EchoShipment config:
<many-to-one name="LineItem" column="LineItemId" />