We have reports which are stored in DB under image column of MS Sqlserver 2005. When I do a currentSession.load(.class, id) I see that WAS is creating ddtb*.tmp file in windows\tmp directory and these files never get cleared.
Im not sure what is causing it but looking more into it I see WAS uses getTempFile() function under UtilPagedTempBuffer.java in utils.jar (WAS jar) which are creating this file.
Im using HB 3.5.6, WAS 6.1 and SQL Server 2005
I was hoping to clear any jdbc objects thru' this call but it didnt change a thing
HibernateUtility.currentSession().clear(); HibernateUtility.currentSession().disconnect(); HibernateUtility.currentSession().close();
I dont know how to get rid of those files from code. Any pointers?
If I see inside the file (those are nothing but my reports pdf/doc/rtf with images)