I am trying to use a a filter to restrict the users access to only objects that he has last edited himself (updateUserId) or that he has access to (userAccess).
A query doing this would look like this (and works):
from SomeObject so left outer join so.userAccess ua_so where (so.updateUserId = :userId or ua_so.userId in (:groupIds) )
Unfortunately this is a real pain to handle when you want to join the object with other tables that might also have user restrictions. So I was thinking a filter might do a better job here. I was trying to build the filter like this:
<class entity-name="SomeObject">
<!-- Primary ID for every object -->
<id name="id" column="ID" length="32" type="string" unsaved-value="null">
<generator class="uuid" />
<!-- The Id of the last update user, the name can be changed by the journal name -->
<property name="updateUserId" column="UPDATE_USERID" type="string" length="32" />
<set name="userAccess" table="ACCESS_RIGHTS" lazy="false">
<key column="OBJECT_ID" />
<composite-element class="AccessRight" >
<property name="userId" column="USER_ID" length="32" />
<property name="right" column="USER_RIGHT"/>
<filter name="userRestrictionFilter"
condition="(UPDATE_USERID = :userId or userAccess.USER_ID in (:groupIds))" />
<filter-def name="userRestrictionFilter">
<filter-param name="userId" type="string" />
<filter-param name="groupIds" type="string" />
To select objects I want to set the :userId and a list as :groupIds:
.setParameter("userId", getCurrentUser().getId())
.setParameterList("groupIds", getCurentUser().getAssignedGroups());
Query q = s.createQuery("from SomeObject").list();
This obviously fails since I have not joined userAccess and the filter uses SQL directly, but rewriting the query to "from SomeObject left outer join userAcess does not seem practical, since the filter still does not know the name for the userAccess table.
Is it actually possible to handle this problem using filters or do I have to build the query the old fashioned way?
If you have any insight, let me know.