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 Post subject: One-To-Many and GridView
PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:52 am 

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Hi, I'm a complete newbie to NHibernate and I have this question regarding binding a oneToMany Relationship to a GridView or Repeater for that matter.

I use the standard NorthWind Database. I'm testing using the "Customers" and "Orders" table. What I want is a list of "CompanyName" from the "Customers" Table and the "OrderDate" of the companies from "Orders" table.

Normally, I would execute a sql like so

"SELECT dbo.Customers.CompanyName, dbo.Orders.OrderDate
dbo.Orders ON dbo.Customers.CustomerID = dbo.Orders.CustomerID"

and bind the "CompanyName" and "OrderDate" as columns to the GridView or Repeater.

I understand how to get a List of Orderd by CustomerID, but how do you return a List of "Customers" and "Orders" so you can bind to a GridView?

I know it's a basic concept, I just have a hard time finding an example.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 3:13 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:27 am
Posts: 8
Hm.. Now I see you can use

ISession.Find() which return an IList of object using HQL. Say this HQL query is something like

"select Customer.CompanyName, Orders.OrderDate
from TestApp.Customers as Customers,
TestApp.Orders as Orders
Customer.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID"

(just my guess at the minute, havne't run it yet)

Exactly what is this object returned and how do I perform this HQL query such that when I bind to GridView, I know which column is "CompanyName" and which column is "OrderDate".

Confused and don't know how to go any further than this.


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