voici les log DEBUG
13:29:51,342 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:167 - Flushing entities and processing referenced collections
13:29:51,342 DEBUG Collections:140 - Collection found: [dao.Produit.listComment#1], was: [dao.Produit.listComment#1] (uninitialized)
13:29:51,358 DEBUG Collections:140 - Collection found: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1], was: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1] (uninitialized)
13:29:51,358 DEBUG Collections:140 - Collection found: [dao.Categorie.listCaract#1], was: [dao.Categorie.listCaract#1] (uninitialized)
13:29:51,358 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:203 - Processing unreferenced collections
13:29:51,358 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:217 - Scheduling collection removes/(re)creates/updates
13:29:51,373 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:79 - Flushed: 0 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 4 objects
13:29:51,373 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:85 - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 3 collections
13:29:51,373 DEBUG Printer:83 - listing entities:
13:29:51,373 DEBUG Printer:90 - dao.Produit{listComment=<uninitialized>, prixP=300, stockP=-40, refFourProduit=4545, constructeur=dao.Constructeur#3, promo=0, listCaract=<uninitialized>, nbConsultation=0, designationP=La puissance ? l'?tat pur, categorie=dao.Categorie#1, etatP=dao.Etat#3, libelleP=P4 3GHz, numProduit=1}
13:29:51,373 DEBUG Printer:90 - dao.Categorie{listCaract=<uninitialized>, numCategorie=1, libelleCategorie=PROCESSEUR}
13:29:51,373 DEBUG Printer:90 - dao.Constructeur{siteWeb=http://intel.com, nomConstructeur=INTEL, numConstructeur=3}
13:29:51,373 DEBUG Printer:90 - dao.Etat{libelleEtat=RUPTURE, numEtat=3}
13:29:51,373 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:267 - executing flush
13:29:51,373 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:294 - post flush
13:29:51,373 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:46 - begin
13:29:51,373 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:50 - current autocommit status: true
13:29:51,373 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:52 - disabling autocommit
13:29:51,373 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:143 - loading entity: [dao.Produit#1]
13:29:51,389 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:208 - entity found in session cache
13:29:51,389 DEBUG DefaultInitializeCollectionEventListener:42 - initializing collection [dao.Produit.listCaract#1]
13:29:51,389 DEBUG DefaultInitializeCollectionEventListener:47 - checking second-level cache
13:29:51,389 DEBUG DefaultInitializeCollectionEventListener:59 - collection not cached
13:29:51,389 DEBUG Loader:1426 - loading collection: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1]
13:29:51,389 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:290 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,389 DEBUG SQL:324 - select listcaract0_.numP as numP0_, listcaract0_.valeur as valeur0_, listcaract0_.numCarac as numCarac0_ from CARAC_PRODUIT listcaract0_ where listcaract0_.numP=?
Hibernate: select listcaract0_.numP as numP0_, listcaract0_.valeur as valeur0_, listcaract0_.numCarac as numCarac0_ from CARAC_PRODUIT listcaract0_ where listcaract0_.numP=?
13:29:51,389 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:378 - preparing statement
13:29:51,389 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:306 - about to open ResultSet (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,389 DEBUG Loader:718 - result set contains (possibly empty) collection: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1]
13:29:51,389 DEBUG CollectionLoadContext:85 - uninitialized collection: initializing
13:29:51,389 DEBUG Loader:405 - processing result set
13:29:51,389 DEBUG Loader:410 - result set row: 0
13:29:51,405 DEBUG Loader:828 - result row:
13:29:51,405 DEBUG Loader:654 - found row of collection: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1]
13:29:51,405 DEBUG CollectionLoadContext:112 - reading row
13:29:51,405 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:143 - loading entity: [dao.Caracteristique#10]
13:29:51,405 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:216 - creating new proxy for entity
13:29:51,420 DEBUG Loader:410 - result set row: 1
13:29:51,420 DEBUG Loader:828 - result row:
13:29:51,420 DEBUG Loader:654 - found row of collection: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1]
13:29:51,420 DEBUG CollectionLoadContext:112 - reading row
13:29:51,420 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:143 - loading entity: [dao.Caracteristique#11]
13:29:51,420 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:216 - creating new proxy for entity
13:29:51,436 DEBUG Loader:410 - result set row: 2
13:29:51,436 DEBUG Loader:828 - result row:
13:29:51,436 DEBUG Loader:654 - found row of collection: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1]
13:29:51,436 DEBUG CollectionLoadContext:112 - reading row
13:29:51,436 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:143 - loading entity: [dao.Caracteristique#12]
13:29:51,436 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:216 - creating new proxy for entity
13:29:51,436 DEBUG Loader:410 - result set row: 3
13:29:51,436 DEBUG Loader:828 - result row:
13:29:51,436 DEBUG Loader:654 - found row of collection: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1]
13:29:51,436 DEBUG CollectionLoadContext:112 - reading row
13:29:51,436 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:143 - loading entity: [dao.Caracteristique#13]
13:29:51,451 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:216 - creating new proxy for entity
13:29:51,451 DEBUG Loader:410 - result set row: 4
13:29:51,451 DEBUG Loader:828 - result row:
13:29:51,451 DEBUG Loader:654 - found row of collection: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1]
13:29:51,451 DEBUG CollectionLoadContext:112 - reading row
13:29:51,451 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:143 - loading entity: [dao.Caracteristique#14]
13:29:51,451 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:216 - creating new proxy for entity
13:29:51,451 DEBUG Loader:410 - result set row: 5
13:29:51,451 DEBUG Loader:828 - result row:
13:29:51,451 DEBUG Loader:654 - found row of collection: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1]
13:29:51,451 DEBUG CollectionLoadContext:112 - reading row
13:29:51,467 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:143 - loading entity: [dao.Caracteristique#15]
13:29:51,467 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:216 - creating new proxy for entity
13:29:51,467 DEBUG Loader:410 - result set row: 6
13:29:51,467 DEBUG Loader:828 - result row:
13:29:51,467 DEBUG Loader:654 - found row of collection: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1]
13:29:51,467 DEBUG CollectionLoadContext:112 - reading row
13:29:51,467 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:143 - loading entity: [dao.Caracteristique#28]
13:29:51,483 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:216 - creating new proxy for entity
13:29:51,483 DEBUG Loader:429 - done processing result set (7 rows)
13:29:51,483 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:313 - about to close ResultSet (open ResultSets: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,483 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:298 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,483 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:416 - closing statement
13:29:51,483 DEBUG CollectionLoadContext:262 - 1 collections were found in result set for role: dao.Produit.listCaract
13:29:51,483 DEBUG CollectionLoadContext:206 - collection fully initialized: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1]
13:29:51,483 DEBUG CollectionLoadContext:272 - 1 collections initialized for role: dao.Produit.listCaract
13:29:51,483 DEBUG PersistenceContext:789 - initializing non-lazy collections
13:29:51,483 DEBUG Loader:1450 - done loading collection
13:29:51,498 DEBUG DefaultInitializeCollectionEventListener:61 - collection initialized
13:29:51,498 DEBUG SessionImpl:639 - initializing proxy: [dao.Caracteristique#28]
13:29:51,498 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:290 - attempting to resolve: [dao.Caracteristique#28]
13:29:51,498 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:326 - object not resolved in any cache: [dao.Caracteristique#28]
13:29:51,498 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2467 - Materializing entity: [dao.Caracteristique#28]
13:29:51,498 DEBUG Loader:1340 - loading entity: [dao.Caracteristique#28]
13:29:51,498 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:290 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,498 DEBUG SQL:324 - select caracteris0_.numCaracteristique as numCarac1_0_, caracteris0_.libelleCarac as libelleC2_10_0_ from CARACTERISTIQUE caracteris0_ where caracteris0_.numCaracteristique=?
Hibernate: select caracteris0_.numCaracteristique as numCarac1_0_, caracteris0_.libelleCarac as libelleC2_10_0_ from CARACTERISTIQUE caracteris0_ where caracteris0_.numCaracteristique=?
13:29:51,498 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:378 - preparing statement
13:29:51,514 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:306 - about to open ResultSet (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,514 DEBUG Loader:405 - processing result set
13:29:51,514 DEBUG Loader:410 - result set row: 0
13:29:51,514 DEBUG Loader:828 - result row: EntityKey[dao.Caracteristique#28]
13:29:51,514 DEBUG Loader:978 - Initializing object from ResultSet: [dao.Caracteristique#28]
13:29:51,514 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:1651 - Hydrating entity: [dao.Caracteristique#28]
13:29:51,514 DEBUG Loader:429 - done processing result set (1 rows)
13:29:51,514 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:313 - about to close ResultSet (open ResultSets: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,514 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:298 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,514 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:416 - closing statement
13:29:51,514 DEBUG Loader:528 - total objects hydrated: 1
13:29:51,530 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:96 - resolving associations for [dao.Caracteristique#28]
13:29:51,530 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:167 - done materializing entity [dao.Caracteristique#28]
13:29:51,530 DEBUG PersistenceContext:789 - initializing non-lazy collections
13:29:51,530 DEBUG Loader:1368 - done entity load
13:29:51,530 DEBUG SessionImpl:639 - initializing proxy: [dao.Caracteristique#12]
13:29:51,530 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:290 - attempting to resolve: [dao.Caracteristique#12]
13:29:51,530 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:326 - object not resolved in any cache: [dao.Caracteristique#12]
13:29:51,530 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2467 - Materializing entity: [dao.Caracteristique#12]
13:29:51,530 DEBUG Loader:1340 - loading entity: [dao.Caracteristique#12]
13:29:51,530 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:290 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,530 DEBUG SQL:324 - select caracteris0_.numCaracteristique as numCarac1_0_, caracteris0_.libelleCarac as libelleC2_10_0_ from CARACTERISTIQUE caracteris0_ where caracteris0_.numCaracteristique=?
Hibernate: select caracteris0_.numCaracteristique as numCarac1_0_, caracteris0_.libelleCarac as libelleC2_10_0_ from CARACTERISTIQUE caracteris0_ where caracteris0_.numCaracteristique=?
13:29:51,530 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:378 - preparing statement
13:29:51,545 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:306 - about to open ResultSet (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,545 DEBUG Loader:405 - processing result set
13:29:51,545 DEBUG Loader:410 - result set row: 0
13:29:51,545 DEBUG Loader:828 - result row: EntityKey[dao.Caracteristique#12]
13:29:51,545 DEBUG Loader:978 - Initializing object from ResultSet: [dao.Caracteristique#12]
13:29:51,545 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:1651 - Hydrating entity: [dao.Caracteristique#12]
13:29:51,545 DEBUG Loader:429 - done processing result set (1 rows)
13:29:51,545 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:313 - about to close ResultSet (open ResultSets: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,545 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:298 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,545 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:416 - closing statement
13:29:51,561 DEBUG Loader:528 - total objects hydrated: 1
13:29:51,561 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:96 - resolving associations for [dao.Caracteristique#12]
13:29:51,561 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:167 - done materializing entity [dao.Caracteristique#12]
13:29:51,561 DEBUG PersistenceContext:789 - initializing non-lazy collections
13:29:51,561 DEBUG Loader:1368 - done entity load
13:29:51,561 DEBUG SessionImpl:639 - initializing proxy: [dao.Caracteristique#13]
13:29:51,561 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:290 - attempting to resolve: [dao.Caracteristique#13]
13:29:51,561 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:326 - object not resolved in any cache: [dao.Caracteristique#13]
13:29:51,561 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2467 - Materializing entity: [dao.Caracteristique#13]
13:29:51,576 DEBUG Loader:1340 - loading entity: [dao.Caracteristique#13]
13:29:51,576 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:290 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,576 DEBUG SQL:324 - select caracteris0_.numCaracteristique as numCarac1_0_, caracteris0_.libelleCarac as libelleC2_10_0_ from CARACTERISTIQUE caracteris0_ where caracteris0_.numCaracteristique=?
Hibernate: select caracteris0_.numCaracteristique as numCarac1_0_, caracteris0_.libelleCarac as libelleC2_10_0_ from CARACTERISTIQUE caracteris0_ where caracteris0_.numCaracteristique=?
13:29:51,592 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:378 - preparing statement
13:29:51,592 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:306 - about to open ResultSet (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,592 DEBUG Loader:405 - processing result set
13:29:51,592 DEBUG Loader:410 - result set row: 0
13:29:51,592 DEBUG Loader:828 - result row: EntityKey[dao.Caracteristique#13]
13:29:51,592 DEBUG Loader:978 - Initializing object from ResultSet: [dao.Caracteristique#13]
13:29:51,592 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:1651 - Hydrating entity: [dao.Caracteristique#13]
13:29:51,592 DEBUG Loader:429 - done processing result set (1 rows)
13:29:51,592 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:313 - about to close ResultSet (open ResultSets: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,592 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:298 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,608 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:416 - closing statement
13:29:51,608 DEBUG Loader:528 - total objects hydrated: 1
13:29:51,608 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:96 - resolving associations for [dao.Caracteristique#13]
13:29:51,608 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:167 - done materializing entity [dao.Caracteristique#13]
13:29:51,608 DEBUG PersistenceContext:789 - initializing non-lazy collections
13:29:51,608 DEBUG Loader:1368 - done entity load
13:29:51,608 DEBUG SessionImpl:639 - initializing proxy: [dao.Caracteristique#14]
13:29:51,608 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:290 - attempting to resolve: [dao.Caracteristique#14]
13:29:51,608 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:326 - object not resolved in any cache: [dao.Caracteristique#14]
13:29:51,608 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2467 - Materializing entity: [dao.Caracteristique#14]
13:29:51,608 DEBUG Loader:1340 - loading entity: [dao.Caracteristique#14]
13:29:51,608 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:290 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,608 DEBUG SQL:324 - select caracteris0_.numCaracteristique as numCarac1_0_, caracteris0_.libelleCarac as libelleC2_10_0_ from CARACTERISTIQUE caracteris0_ where caracteris0_.numCaracteristique=?
Hibernate: select caracteris0_.numCaracteristique as numCarac1_0_, caracteris0_.libelleCarac as libelleC2_10_0_ from CARACTERISTIQUE caracteris0_ where caracteris0_.numCaracteristique=?
13:29:51,608 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:378 - preparing statement
13:29:51,623 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:306 - about to open ResultSet (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,623 DEBUG Loader:405 - processing result set
13:29:51,623 DEBUG Loader:410 - result set row: 0
13:29:51,623 DEBUG Loader:828 - result row: EntityKey[dao.Caracteristique#14]
13:29:51,623 DEBUG Loader:978 - Initializing object from ResultSet: [dao.Caracteristique#14]
13:29:51,623 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:1651 - Hydrating entity: [dao.Caracteristique#14]
13:29:51,623 DEBUG Loader:429 - done processing result set (1 rows)
13:29:51,623 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:313 - about to close ResultSet (open ResultSets: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,623 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:298 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,639 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:416 - closing statement
13:29:51,639 DEBUG Loader:528 - total objects hydrated: 1
13:29:51,639 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:96 - resolving associations for [dao.Caracteristique#14]
13:29:51,639 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:167 - done materializing entity [dao.Caracteristique#14]
13:29:51,639 DEBUG PersistenceContext:789 - initializing non-lazy collections
13:29:51,639 DEBUG Loader:1368 - done entity load
13:29:51,639 DEBUG SessionImpl:639 - initializing proxy: [dao.Caracteristique#15]
13:29:51,639 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:290 - attempting to resolve: [dao.Caracteristique#15]
13:29:51,639 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:326 - object not resolved in any cache: [dao.Caracteristique#15]
13:29:51,639 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2467 - Materializing entity: [dao.Caracteristique#15]
13:29:51,639 DEBUG Loader:1340 - loading entity: [dao.Caracteristique#15]
13:29:51,639 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:290 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,639 DEBUG SQL:324 - select caracteris0_.numCaracteristique as numCarac1_0_, caracteris0_.libelleCarac as libelleC2_10_0_ from CARACTERISTIQUE caracteris0_ where caracteris0_.numCaracteristique=?
Hibernate: select caracteris0_.numCaracteristique as numCarac1_0_, caracteris0_.libelleCarac as libelleC2_10_0_ from CARACTERISTIQUE caracteris0_ where caracteris0_.numCaracteristique=?
13:29:51,655 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:378 - preparing statement
13:29:51,655 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:306 - about to open ResultSet (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,655 DEBUG Loader:405 - processing result set
13:29:51,655 DEBUG Loader:410 - result set row: 0
13:29:51,655 DEBUG Loader:828 - result row: EntityKey[dao.Caracteristique#15]
13:29:51,655 DEBUG Loader:978 - Initializing object from ResultSet: [dao.Caracteristique#15]
13:29:51,655 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:1651 - Hydrating entity: [dao.Caracteristique#15]
13:29:51,655 DEBUG Loader:429 - done processing result set (1 rows)
13:29:51,655 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:313 - about to close ResultSet (open ResultSets: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,670 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:298 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,670 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:416 - closing statement
13:29:51,670 DEBUG Loader:528 - total objects hydrated: 1
13:29:51,670 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:96 - resolving associations for [dao.Caracteristique#15]
13:29:51,670 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:167 - done materializing entity [dao.Caracteristique#15]
13:29:51,670 DEBUG PersistenceContext:789 - initializing non-lazy collections
13:29:51,670 DEBUG Loader:1368 - done entity load
13:29:51,670 DEBUG SessionImpl:639 - initializing proxy: [dao.Caracteristique#11]
13:29:51,670 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:290 - attempting to resolve: [dao.Caracteristique#11]
13:29:51,670 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:326 - object not resolved in any cache: [dao.Caracteristique#11]
13:29:51,670 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2467 - Materializing entity: [dao.Caracteristique#11]
13:29:51,670 DEBUG Loader:1340 - loading entity: [dao.Caracteristique#11]
13:29:51,670 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:290 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,686 DEBUG SQL:324 - select caracteris0_.numCaracteristique as numCarac1_0_, caracteris0_.libelleCarac as libelleC2_10_0_ from CARACTERISTIQUE caracteris0_ where caracteris0_.numCaracteristique=?
Hibernate: select caracteris0_.numCaracteristique as numCarac1_0_, caracteris0_.libelleCarac as libelleC2_10_0_ from CARACTERISTIQUE caracteris0_ where caracteris0_.numCaracteristique=?
13:29:51,686 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:378 - preparing statement
13:29:51,686 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:306 - about to open ResultSet (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,686 DEBUG Loader:405 - processing result set
13:29:51,686 DEBUG Loader:410 - result set row: 0
13:29:51,701 DEBUG Loader:828 - result row: EntityKey[dao.Caracteristique#11]
13:29:51,701 DEBUG Loader:978 - Initializing object from ResultSet: [dao.Caracteristique#11]
13:29:51,701 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:1651 - Hydrating entity: [dao.Caracteristique#11]
13:29:51,701 DEBUG Loader:429 - done processing result set (1 rows)
13:29:51,701 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:313 - about to close ResultSet (open ResultSets: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,701 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:298 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,701 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:416 - closing statement
13:29:51,701 DEBUG Loader:528 - total objects hydrated: 1
13:29:51,701 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:96 - resolving associations for [dao.Caracteristique#11]
13:29:51,717 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:167 - done materializing entity [dao.Caracteristique#11]
13:29:51,717 DEBUG PersistenceContext:789 - initializing non-lazy collections
13:29:51,717 DEBUG Loader:1368 - done entity load
13:29:51,717 DEBUG SessionImpl:639 - initializing proxy: [dao.Caracteristique#10]
13:29:51,717 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:290 - attempting to resolve: [dao.Caracteristique#10]
13:29:51,717 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:326 - object not resolved in any cache: [dao.Caracteristique#10]
13:29:51,717 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2467 - Materializing entity: [dao.Caracteristique#10]
13:29:51,717 DEBUG Loader:1340 - loading entity: [dao.Caracteristique#10]
13:29:51,717 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:290 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,717 DEBUG SQL:324 - select caracteris0_.numCaracteristique as numCarac1_0_, caracteris0_.libelleCarac as libelleC2_10_0_ from CARACTERISTIQUE caracteris0_ where caracteris0_.numCaracteristique=?
Hibernate: select caracteris0_.numCaracteristique as numCarac1_0_, caracteris0_.libelleCarac as libelleC2_10_0_ from CARACTERISTIQUE caracteris0_ where caracteris0_.numCaracteristique=?
13:29:51,717 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:378 - preparing statement
13:29:51,733 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:306 - about to open ResultSet (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,733 DEBUG Loader:405 - processing result set
13:29:51,733 DEBUG Loader:410 - result set row: 0
13:29:51,733 DEBUG Loader:828 - result row: EntityKey[dao.Caracteristique#10]
13:29:51,733 DEBUG Loader:978 - Initializing object from ResultSet: [dao.Caracteristique#10]
13:29:51,733 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:1651 - Hydrating entity: [dao.Caracteristique#10]
13:29:51,733 DEBUG Loader:429 - done processing result set (1 rows)
13:29:51,733 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:313 - about to close ResultSet (open ResultSets: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,733 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:298 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,733 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:416 - closing statement
13:29:51,748 DEBUG Loader:528 - total objects hydrated: 1
13:29:51,748 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:96 - resolving associations for [dao.Caracteristique#10]
13:29:51,748 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:167 - done materializing entity [dao.Caracteristique#10]
13:29:51,748 DEBUG PersistenceContext:789 - initializing non-lazy collections
13:29:51,748 DEBUG Loader:1368 - done entity load
13:29:51,748 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:83 - commit
13:29:51,748 DEBUG JDBCContext:278 - before transaction completion
13:29:51,748 DEBUG SessionImpl:372 - before transaction completion
13:29:51,748 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:173 - re-enabling autocommit
13:29:51,748 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:96 - committed JDBC Connection
13:29:51,748 DEBUG JDBCContext:283 - after transaction completion
13:29:51,748 DEBUG SessionImpl:403 - after transaction completion
13:29:51,764 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:52 - flushing session
13:29:51,764 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:102 - processing flush-time cascades
13:29:51,764 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:150 - dirty checking collections
13:29:51,764 DEBUG CollectionEntry:115 - Collection dirty: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1]
13:29:51,764 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:167 - Flushing entities and processing referenced collections
13:29:51,764 DEBUG Collections:140 - Collection found: [dao.Produit.listComment#1], was: [dao.Produit.listComment#1] (uninitialized)
13:29:51,764 DEBUG Collections:140 - Collection found: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1], was: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1] (initialized)
13:29:51,764 DEBUG Collections:140 - Collection found: [dao.Categorie.listCaract#1], was: [dao.Categorie.listCaract#1] (uninitialized)
13:29:51,764 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:203 - Processing unreferenced collections
13:29:51,764 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:217 - Scheduling collection removes/(re)creates/updates
13:29:51,764 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:79 - Flushed: 0 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 11 objects
13:29:51,764 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:85 - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 1 updates, 0 removals to 3 collections
13:29:51,764 DEBUG Printer:83 - listing entities:
13:29:51,780 DEBUG Printer:90 - dao.Caracteristique{numCarac=10, libelleCarac=Support du socket}
13:29:51,780 DEBUG Printer:90 - dao.Caracteristique{numCarac=14, libelleCarac=Taille Cache L1}
13:29:51,780 DEBUG Printer:90 - dao.Produit{listComment=<uninitialized>, prixP=300, stockP=-40, refFourProduit=4545, constructeur=dao.Constructeur#3, promo=0, listCaract=[component[valeur,carac]{valeur=oui, carac=dao.Caracteristique#28}, component[valeur,carac]{valeur=0,13, carac=dao.Caracteristique#12}, component[valeur,carac]{valeur=P4E, carac=dao.Caracteristique#13}, component[valeur,carac]{valeur=512 ko, carac=dao.Caracteristique#14}, component[valeur,carac]{valeur=2 mo, carac=dao.Caracteristique#15}, component[valeur,carac]{valeur=3000, carac=dao.Caracteristique#11}, component[valeur,carac]{valeur=S748, carac=dao.Caracteristique#10}], nbConsultation=0, designationP=La puissance ? l'?tat pur, categorie=dao.Categorie#1, etatP=dao.Etat#3, libelleP=P4 3GHz, numProduit=1}
13:29:51,780 DEBUG Printer:90 - dao.Etat{libelleEtat=RUPTURE, numEtat=3}
13:29:51,780 DEBUG Printer:90 - dao.Caracteristique{numCarac=12, libelleCarac=Finesse de gravure}
13:29:51,780 DEBUG Printer:90 - dao.Caracteristique{numCarac=15, libelleCarac=Taille Cache L2}
13:29:51,780 DEBUG Printer:90 - dao.Constructeur{siteWeb=http://intel.com, nomConstructeur=INTEL, numConstructeur=3}
13:29:51,780 DEBUG Printer:90 - dao.Categorie{listCaract=<uninitialized>, numCategorie=1, libelleCategorie=PROCESSEUR}
13:29:51,780 DEBUG Printer:90 - dao.Caracteristique{numCarac=13, libelleCarac=Architecture}
13:29:51,780 DEBUG Printer:90 - dao.Caracteristique{numCarac=11, libelleCarac=Fréquence [MHz]}
13:29:51,780 DEBUG Printer:90 - dao.Caracteristique{numCarac=28, libelleCarac=MMX}
13:29:51,780 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:267 - executing flush
13:29:51,780 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:956 - Deleting rows of collection: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1]
13:29:51,780 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:290 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
13:29:51,780 DEBUG SQL:324 - delete from CARAC_PRODUIT where numP=? and valeur=? and numCarac=?
Hibernate: delete from CARAC_PRODUIT where numP=? and valeur=? and numCarac=?
13:29:51,795 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:378 - preparing statement
13:29:51,795 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:27 - Adding to batch
13:29:51,795 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:27 - Adding to batch
13:29:51,795 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:27 - Adding to batch
13:29:51,795 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:27 - Adding to batch
13:29:51,795 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:27 - Adding to batch
13:29:51,795 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:27 - Adding to batch
13:29:51,795 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:27 - Adding to batch
13:29:51,795 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:1007 - done deleting collection rows: 7 deleted
13:29:51,811 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:1035 - Inserting rows of collection: [dao.Produit.listCaract#1]
13:29:51,811 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:54 - Executing batch size: 7
13:29:51,936 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:298 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:51,936 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:416 - closing statement
13:29:51,936 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:290 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
// Pourquoi ces insertion??????
13:29:51,936 DEBUG SQL:324 - insert into CARAC_PRODUIT (numP, valeur, numCarac) values (?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into CARAC_PRODUIT (numP, valeur, numCarac) values (?, ?, ?)
13:29:51,951 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:378 - preparing statement
13:29:52,045 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:27 - Adding to batch
13:29:52,045 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:154 - reusing prepared statement
13:29:52,045 DEBUG SQL:324 - insert into CARAC_PRODUIT (numP, valeur, numCarac) values (?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into CARAC_PRODUIT (numP, valeur, numCarac) values (?, ?, ?)
13:29:52,045 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:27 - Adding to batch
13:29:52,045 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:154 - reusing prepared statement
13:29:52,045 DEBUG SQL:324 - insert into CARAC_PRODUIT (numP, valeur, numCarac) values (?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into CARAC_PRODUIT (numP, valeur, numCarac) values (?, ?, ?)
13:29:52,045 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:27 - Adding to batch
13:29:52,045 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:154 - reusing prepared statement
13:29:52,045 DEBUG SQL:324 - insert into CARAC_PRODUIT (numP, valeur, numCarac) values (?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into CARAC_PRODUIT (numP, valeur, numCarac) values (?, ?, ?)
13:29:52,045 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:27 - Adding to batch
13:29:52,045 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:154 - reusing prepared statement
13:29:52,045 DEBUG SQL:324 - insert into CARAC_PRODUIT (numP, valeur, numCarac) values (?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into CARAC_PRODUIT (numP, valeur, numCarac) values (?, ?, ?)
13:29:52,045 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:27 - Adding to batch
13:29:52,045 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:154 - reusing prepared statement
13:29:52,061 DEBUG SQL:324 - insert into CARAC_PRODUIT (numP, valeur, numCarac) values (?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into CARAC_PRODUIT (numP, valeur, numCarac) values (?, ?, ?)
13:29:52,061 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:27 - Adding to batch
13:29:52,061 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:154 - reusing prepared statement
13:29:52,061 DEBUG SQL:324 - insert into CARAC_PRODUIT (numP, valeur, numCarac) values (?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into CARAC_PRODUIT (numP, valeur, numCarac) values (?, ?, ?)
13:29:52,061 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:27 - Adding to batch
13:29:52,061 DEBUG AbstractCollectionPersister:1079 - done inserting rows: 7 inserted
13:29:52,076 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:54 - Executing batch size: 7
13:29:52,201 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:298 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
13:29:52,201 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:416 - closing statement
13:29:52,217 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:294 - post flush
13:29:52,233 DEBUG SessionImpl:269 - closing session
13:29:52,233 DEBUG ConnectionManager:317 - closing JDBC connection [ (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0) (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)]
13:29:52,467 DEBUG JDBCContext:283 - after transaction completion
13:29:52,483 DEBUG SessionImpl:403 - after transaction completion