ich habe ein schwerwiegendes Problem: Das speichern eines Objektes mit vielen (bzw. sehr vielen Kinderobjekten) dauert sehr (sehr) lange!
Hibernate version: hibernate3.1
Name and version of the database you are using:MySQL 5.0.17
Mapping documents:Project, Attribute, Case, Value
Beschreibung:Ein Projekt besteht aus mehreren Attributen und mehreren Cases. Jedes Attribut hat in jedem Case einen Value! Anschaulich erklärt: Zum Beispiel: Ein Projekt besitzt die Attribute a1, a2, a3.
Die cases mit entsprechenden values für jedes Attribute!
case 1: a1 = "1", a2 = "11", a3 = "test1"
case 2: a1 = "2", a2 = "22", a3 = "test2"
case 3: a1 = "3", a2 = "33", a3 = "test3"
Falls ich jetzt ein save des Projektes aufrufe, werden alle Objekte gespeichert... also 3 Attribute, 3 Cases und 9 Values.
Besitzt ein Projekt 100 attribute und 500 Cases müssen allerdings 50.000 Values gespeichert werden. [Hinzu kommt, dass Value eine SuperKlasse ist und je nach dem welchen datentyp der Wert hat, ist das Objekt ein StringValue, Integervalue oder DoubleValue.]
Und das dauert dann zwischen 3 und 5 Minuten, was für eine Anwendung natürlich deutlich zu lange ist. Vielleicht habe ich ein Confgurationsfehler begangen? Kann ich den save-Vorgang irgendwie beschleunigen??? Ist die Vierecksbeziehung ein Problem?? [Projekt hat attributes und cases, cases haben values, values haben cases und attributes]
Kann mir jemand helfen??? Wäre sehr(sehr) dankbar...
MappingFiles (etwas vereifacht):
<class name="de.fhg.iese.osr.model.OSRProject" table="osrproject">
<id name="ID" column="id" type="java.lang.Integer">
<generator class="native"/>
<property name="name" type="string" column="name"/>
<set name="cases" lazy="true" inverse="false" cascade="all">
<key column="osrproject_id"/>
<one-to-many class="de.fhg.iese.osr.model.Case"/>
<list name="attributes" lazy="true" inverse="false" cascade="all">
<key column="osrproject_id"/>
<index column="position"/>
<one-to-many class="de.fhg.iese.osr.model.Attribute"/>
<class name="de.fhg.iese.osr.model.Attribute" table="attribute">
<id name="ID" column="id" type="java.lang.Integer">
<generator class="native"/>
<property name="name" type="string" column="name"/>
<class name="de.fhg.iese.osr.model.Case" table="caseTable">
<id name="ID" column="id" type="java.lang.Integer">
<generator class="native"/>
<property name="name" type="string" column="name"/>
<property name="selected" type="boolean" column="selected"/>
<set name="values" lazy="false" inverse="true" cascade="all">
<key column="case_id"/>
<one-to-many class="de.fhg.iese.osr.model.Value"/>
<class name="de.fhg.iese.osr.model.Value" table="value">
<id name="ID" column="id" type="java.lang.Integer">
<generator class="native"/>
name="de.fhg.iese.osr.model.StringValue" table="string_value">
<key column="id"/>
<property name="value" type="string" column="value"/>
name="de.fhg.iese.osr.model.IntegerValue" table="integer_value">
<key column="id"/>
<property name="value" type="integer" column="value"/>
name="de.fhg.iese.osr.model.DoubleValue" table="double_value">
<key column="id"/>
<property name="value" type="double" column="value"/>
Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): Code:
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
The generated SQL (show_sql=true):12:26:06,678 INFO Environment:479 - Hibernate 3.1
12:26:06,698 INFO Environment:509 - hibernate.properties not found
12:26:06,698 INFO Environment:525 - using CGLIB reflection optimizer
12:26:06,698 INFO Environment:555 - using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
12:26:06,799 INFO Configuration:1286 - configuring from resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
12:26:06,799 INFO Configuration:1263 - Configuration resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
12:26:06,959 INFO Configuration:468 - Reading mappings from resource: de/fhg/iese/osr/model/OSRProject.hbm.xml
12:26:07,149 INFO HbmBinder:265 - Mapping class: de.fhg.iese.osr.model.OSRProject -> osrproject
12:26:07,500 INFO Configuration:468 - Reading mappings from resource: de/fhg/iese/osr/model/Attribute.hbm.xml
12:26:07,550 INFO HbmBinder:265 - Mapping class: de.fhg.iese.osr.model.Attribute -> attribute
12:26:07,550 INFO Configuration:468 - Reading mappings from resource: de/fhg/iese/osr/model/Case.hbm.xml
12:26:07,580 INFO HbmBinder:265 - Mapping class: de.fhg.iese.osr.model.Case -> caseTable
12:26:07,580 INFO Configuration:468 - Reading mappings from resource: de/fhg/iese/osr/model/Value.hbm.xml
12:26:07,610 INFO HbmBinder:265 - Mapping class: de.fhg.iese.osr.model.Value -> value
12:26:07,610 INFO HbmBinder:839 - Mapping joined-subclass: de.fhg.iese.osr.model.StringValue -> string_value
12:26:07,610 INFO HbmBinder:839 - Mapping joined-subclass: de.fhg.iese.osr.model.IntegerValue -> integer_value
12:26:07,610 INFO HbmBinder:839 - Mapping joined-subclass: de.fhg.iese.osr.model.DoubleValue -> double_value
12:26:07,610 INFO Configuration:1397 - Configured SessionFactory: null
12:26:07,610 INFO Configuration:1022 - processing extends queue
12:26:07,620 INFO Configuration:1026 - processing collection mappings
12:26:07,620 INFO HbmBinder:2276 - Mapping collection: de.fhg.iese.osr.model.OSRProject.cases -> caseTable
12:26:07,620 INFO HbmBinder:2276 - Mapping collection: de.fhg.iese.osr.model.OSRProject.attributes -> attribute
12:26:07,620 INFO HbmBinder:2276 - Mapping collection: de.fhg.iese.osr.model.Case.values -> value
12:26:07,620 INFO Configuration:1035 - processing association property references
12:26:07,630 INFO Configuration:1057 - processing foreign key constraints
12:26:07,650 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:41 - Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)
12:26:07,650 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:42 - Hibernate connection pool size: 3
12:26:07,650 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:45 - autocommit mode: false
12:26:07,660 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:80 - using driver: org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver at URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/osr
12:26:07,660 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:83 - connection properties: {user=root, password=123}
12:26:07,660 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:93 - total checked-out connections: 0
12:26:07,660 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:109 - opening new JDBC connection
12:26:07,960 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:115 - created connection to: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/osr, Isolation Level: 4
12:26:07,960 INFO SettingsFactory:77 - RDBMS: MySQL, version: 5.0.17-nt
12:26:07,960 INFO SettingsFactory:78 - JDBC driver: MySQL-AB JDBC Driver, version: mysql-connector-java-5.0.0-beta ( $Date: 2005-11-17 16:14:47 +0100 (Thu, 17 Nov 2005) $, $Revision$ )
12:26:07,960 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:129 - returning connection to pool, pool size: 1
12:26:08,000 INFO Dialect:103 - Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect
12:26:08,010 INFO TransactionFactoryFactory:31 - Using default transaction strategy (direct JDBC transactions)
12:26:08,010 INFO TransactionManagerLookupFactory:33 - No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
12:26:08,020 INFO SettingsFactory:125 - Automatic flush during beforeCompletion(): disabled
12:26:08,020 INFO SettingsFactory:129 - Automatic session close at end of transaction: disabled
12:26:08,020 INFO SettingsFactory:136 - JDBC batch size: 15
12:26:08,020 INFO SettingsFactory:139 - JDBC batch updates for versioned data: disabled
12:26:08,020 INFO SettingsFactory:144 - Scrollable result sets: enabled
12:26:08,020 INFO SettingsFactory:152 - JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): enabled
12:26:08,020 INFO SettingsFactory:160 - Connection release mode: auto
12:26:08,020 INFO SettingsFactory:184 - Maximum outer join fetch depth: 2
12:26:08,020 INFO SettingsFactory:187 - Default batch fetch size: 1
12:26:08,030 INFO SettingsFactory:191 - Generate SQL with comments: disabled
12:26:08,030 INFO SettingsFactory:195 - Order SQL updates by primary key: disabled
12:26:08,030 INFO SettingsFactory:338 - Query translator: org.hibernate.hql.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
12:26:08,030 INFO ASTQueryTranslatorFactory:21 - Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
12:26:08,030 INFO SettingsFactory:203 - Query language substitutions: {}
12:26:08,030 INFO SettingsFactory:209 - Second-level cache: enabled
12:26:08,030 INFO SettingsFactory:213 - Query cache: disabled
12:26:08,040 INFO SettingsFactory:325 - Cache provider: org.hibernate.cache.NoCacheProvider
12:26:08,040 INFO SettingsFactory:228 - Optimize cache for minimal puts: disabled
12:26:08,040 INFO SettingsFactory:237 - Structured second-level cache entries: disabled
12:26:08,050 INFO SettingsFactory:264 - Statistics: disabled
12:26:08,050 INFO SettingsFactory:268 - Deleted entity synthetic identifier rollback: disabled
12:26:08,050 INFO SettingsFactory:283 - Default entity-mode: pojo
12:26:08,100 INFO SessionFactoryImpl:153 - building session factory
12:26:09,012 INFO SessionFactoryObjectFactory:82 - Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
12:26:09,022 INFO SessionFactoryImpl:353 - Checking 0 named HQL queries
12:26:09,022 INFO SessionFactoryImpl:373 - Checking 0 named SQL queries
12:26:09,162 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:54 - begin
12:26:09,162 DEBUG ConnectionManager:313 - opening JDBC connection
12:26:09,162 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:93 - total checked-out connections: 0
12:26:09,162 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:99 - using pooled JDBC connection, pool size: 0
12:26:09,162 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:59 - current autocommit status: false
12:26:09,162 DEBUG JDBCContext:202 - after transaction begin
12:26:09,202 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:311 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
12:26:09,202 DEBUG SQL:346 - insert into osrproject (name, filename, description, uploaddate) values (?, ?, ?, ?)
12:26:09,212 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:424 - preparing statement
12:26:09,232 DEBUG StringType:79 - binding '' to parameter: 1
12:26:09,232 DEBUG StringType:79 - binding 'C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Admin\Eigene Dateien\Files\testCsv.txt' to parameter: 2
12:26:09,232 DEBUG TextType:79 - binding '' to parameter: 3
12:26:09,242 DEBUG TimestampType:79 - binding '2006-05-04 12:26:05' to parameter: 4
12:26:09,262 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:319 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
12:26:09,262 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:470 - closing statement
12:26:09,262 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:311 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
12:26:09,272 DEBUG SQL:346 - insert into caseTable (name, selected, osrproject_id) values (?, ?, ?)
12:26:09,272 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:424 - preparing statement
12:26:09,272 DEBUG StringType:79 - binding 'Case.9' to parameter: 1
12:26:09,272 DEBUG BooleanType:79 - binding 'true' to parameter: 2
12:26:09,282 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '23' to parameter: 3
12:26:09,282 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:319 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
12:26:09,282 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:470 - closing statement
12:26:09,282 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:311 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
12:26:09,282 DEBUG SQL:346 - insert into value (attribute_id, case_id) values (?, ?)
12:26:09,302 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:424 - preparing statement
12:26:09,312 DEBUG IntegerType:71 - binding null to parameter: 1
12:26:09,312 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3020' to parameter: 2
12:26:09,312 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:319 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
12:26:09,312 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:470 - closing statement
12:26:09,312 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:311 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
12:26:09,312 DEBUG SQL:346 - insert into string_value (value, id) values (?, ?)
12:26:09,312 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:424 - preparing statement
12:26:09,312 DEBUG StringType:79 - binding 'Washington4' to parameter: 1
12:26:09,312 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187854' to parameter: 2
12:26:09,312 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:319 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
12:26:09,312 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:470 - closing statement
12:26:09,322 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:311 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
12:26:09,322 DEBUG SQL:346 - insert into value (attribute_id, case_id) values (?, ?)
12:26:09,322 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:424 - preparing statement
12:26:09,322 DEBUG IntegerType:71 - binding null to parameter: 1
12:26:09,322 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3020' to parameter: 2
12:26:09,332 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:319 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
12:26:09,332 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:470 - closing statement
12:26:09,332 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:311 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
12:26:09,332 DEBUG SQL:346 - insert into string_value (value, id) values (?, ?)
12:26:11,115 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '432' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,115 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3026' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,115 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187891' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,115 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,115 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,115 DEBUG SQL:346 - update value set attribute_id=?, case_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,115 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '431' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,115 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3026' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,115 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187892' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,115 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,115 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,125 DEBUG SQL:346 - update value set attribute_id=?, case_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,125 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '430' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,125 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3026' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,125 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187893' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,125 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,125 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,125 DEBUG SQL:346 - update value set attribute_id=?, case_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,125 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '429' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,125 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3026' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,125 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187894' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,125 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,125 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,135 DEBUG SQL:346 - update value set attribute_id=?, case_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,135 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '428' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,135 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3026' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,135 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187895' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,135 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,135 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,135 DEBUG SQL:346 - update value set attribute_id=?, case_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,135 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '433' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,135 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3027' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,145 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187896' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,145 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,145 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,145 DEBUG SQL:346 - update value set attribute_id=?, case_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,145 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '432' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,145 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3027' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,145 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187897' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,145 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,145 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,145 DEBUG SQL:346 - update value set attribute_id=?, case_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,145 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '431' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,155 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3027' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,155 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187898' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,155 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,155 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:55 - Executing batch size: 15
12:26:11,165 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,165 DEBUG SQL:346 - update value set attribute_id=?, case_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,165 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '430' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,165 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3027' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,165 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187899' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,165 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,165 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,165 DEBUG SQL:346 - update value set attribute_id=?, case_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,165 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '429' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,175 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3027' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,175 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187900' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,175 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,175 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,175 DEBUG SQL:346 - update value set attribute_id=?, case_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,175 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '428' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,175 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3027' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,175 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187901' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,175 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,175 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,175 DEBUG SQL:346 - update value set attribute_id=?, case_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,175 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '433' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,175 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3028' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,185 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187902' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,185 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,185 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,185 DEBUG SQL:346 - update value set attribute_id=?, case_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,185 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '432' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,185 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3028' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,185 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187903' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,185 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,185 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,185 DEBUG SQL:346 - update value set attribute_id=?, case_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,185 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '431' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,185 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3028' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,195 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187904' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,195 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,195 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,195 DEBUG SQL:346 - update value set attribute_id=?, case_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,195 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '430' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,195 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3028' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,195 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187905' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,195 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,195 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,195 DEBUG SQL:346 - update value set attribute_id=?, case_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,195 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '429' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,205 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3028' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,205 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187906' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,205 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,205 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,205 DEBUG SQL:346 - update value set attribute_id=?, case_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,205 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '428' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,205 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3028' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,205 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '187907' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,205 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,205 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:55 - Executing batch size: 9
12:26:11,215 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:319 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
12:26:11,215 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:470 - closing statement
12:26:11,215 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:311 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
12:26:11,215 DEBUG SQL:346 - update caseTable set osrproject_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,215 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:424 - preparing statement
12:26:11,215 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '23' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,215 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3020' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,225 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,225 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,225 DEBUG SQL:346 - update caseTable set osrproject_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,225 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '23' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,225 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3021' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,225 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,225 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,225 DEBUG SQL:346 - update caseTable set osrproject_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,225 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '23' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,225 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3022' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,225 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,225 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,235 DEBUG SQL:346 - update caseTable set osrproject_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,235 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '23' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,235 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3023' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,235 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,235 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,235 DEBUG SQL:346 - update caseTable set osrproject_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,235 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '23' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,235 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3024' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,235 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,235 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,235 DEBUG SQL:346 - update caseTable set osrproject_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,245 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '23' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,245 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3025' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,245 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,245 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,245 DEBUG SQL:346 - update caseTable set osrproject_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,245 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '23' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,245 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3026' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,245 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,245 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,245 DEBUG SQL:346 - update caseTable set osrproject_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,245 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '23' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,245 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3027' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,245 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,245 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,245 DEBUG SQL:346 - update caseTable set osrproject_id=? where id=?
12:26:11,255 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '23' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,255 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3028' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,255 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,255 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:55 - Executing batch size: 9
12:26:11,265 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:319 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
12:26:11,265 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:470 - closing statement
12:26:11,265 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:311 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
12:26:11,265 DEBUG SQL:346 - update attribute set osrproject_id=?, position=? where id=?
12:26:11,265 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:424 - preparing statement
12:26:11,265 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '23' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,265 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '0' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,265 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '428' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,265 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,265 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,275 DEBUG SQL:346 - update attribute set osrproject_id=?, position=? where id=?
12:26:11,275 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '23' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,275 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '1' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,275 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '429' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,275 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,275 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,275 DEBUG SQL:346 - update attribute set osrproject_id=?, position=? where id=?
12:26:11,275 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '23' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,275 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '2' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,275 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '430' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,285 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,285 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,285 DEBUG SQL:346 - update attribute set osrproject_id=?, position=? where id=?
12:26:11,285 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '23' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,285 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '3' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,285 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '431' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,285 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,285 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,285 DEBUG SQL:346 - update attribute set osrproject_id=?, position=? where id=?
12:26:11,285 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '23' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,285 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '4' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,285 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '432' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,295 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,295 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:175 - reusing prepared statement
12:26:11,295 DEBUG SQL:346 - update attribute set osrproject_id=?, position=? where id=?
12:26:11,295 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '23' to parameter: 1
12:26:11,295 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '5' to parameter: 2
12:26:11,295 DEBUG IntegerType:79 - binding '433' to parameter: 3
12:26:11,295 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:28 - Adding to batch
12:26:11,295 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:55 - Executing batch size: 6
12:26:11,305 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:319 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
12:26:11,305 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:470 - closing statement
12:26:11,305 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:103 - commit
12:26:11,305 DEBUG JDBCContext:193 - before transaction completion
12:26:11,345 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:116 - committed JDBC Connection
12:26:11,345 DEBUG JDBCContext:207 - after transaction completion
12:26:11,345 DEBUG ConnectionManager:296 - aggressively releasing JDBC connection
12:26:11,345 DEBUG ConnectionManager:333 - closing JDBC connection [ (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0) (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)]
12:26:11,345 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:129 - returning connection to pool, pool size: 1
12:26:11,345 DEBUG ConnectionManager:267 - connection already null in cleanup : no action
12:26:11,345 DEBUG ConnectionManager:267 - connection already null in cleanup : no action