I've been debugging Annotations code for about 15 days, looking to get EntityMode.DOM4J working with annotations.
My technique was to study how org.hibernate.cfg.HbmBinder works, then I try to replicate the same behavior on AnnotationBinder. To replicate the behavior of embed-xml=true, on HbmBinder embed-xml seems like default true.
Finally I changed these files:
AnnotationBinder, line 1947, added sentence: value.setEmbedded(true);
CollectionBinder, line 627, added sentences: collection.setEmbedded(true); oneToMany.setEmbedded(true);
-I searched for ocurrences of setEmbedded- I'm doubtful about AnnotationBinder, line 1546, it seems that the logic of javax.persistence.Embeddable interfers with the logic of the embed-xml flag.
Question, ¿does it really matters, not set the value on line 1546? Does javax.persistence.Embeddable interfers whith EntityMode.DOM4J or viceversa?