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 Post subject: Can not issue data manipulation statements with executeQuery
PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:52 am 

Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:49 am
Posts: 6
Note: I use Hibernate3 and MySql5.1 InnoDb.

I can run sql statement on command line successfully, but once I put these sql statements in Hibernate Mapping file, always gave me this error message.

Why cannot I use temporary table?

Caused by: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute query
... 55 more
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Can not issue data manipulation statements with executeQuery().

the following is my sql statement:
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE access_group_change_list
select distinct modification_timestamp, modified_by
from LOYALTY.access_group_history
where client_id = :clientId
and ( db_action in ('I', 'D')
or modification_timestamp in
(select max(modification_timestamp)
from LOYALTY.access_group_history
where client_id = :clientId)

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE access_group_list
select access_group_id
from LOYALTY.access_group
where client_id = :clientId

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE access_group_object_change_list
select modification_timestamp,
from LOYALTY.v_organisation_object_group_history
where top_id = :clientId
order by modification_timestamp desc
limit 1

create temporary table agi_1 select access_group_id from access_group_list;
create temporary table agi_2 select access_group_id from access_group_list;
create temporary table agi_3 select access_group_id from access_group_list;

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE other_latest_change_list
select modification_timestamp, modified_by
from access_group_object_change_list
select distinct modification_timestamp, modified_by
from LOYALTY.access_group_client_rhistory
where modification_timestamp in (
select max(modification_timestamp)
from LOYALTY.access_group_client_rhistory
where access_group_id in (select access_group_id from agi_1)
select distinct modification_timestamp, modified_by
from LOYALTY.access_group_members_rhistory
where modification_timestamp in (
select max(modification_timestamp)
from LOYALTY.access_group_members_rhistory
where access_group_id in (select access_group_id from agi_2)
select distinct modification_timestamp, modified_by
from LOYALTY.access_group_visibility_rhistory
where modification_timestamp in (
select max(modification_timestamp)
from LOYALTY.access_group_visibility_rhistory
where viewer_access_group_id in (select access_group_id from agi_3)

(select distinct modification_timestamp, modified_by
from other_latest_change_list
order by modification_timestamp
limit 1)
(select modification_timestamp, modified_by
from access_group_change_list)

select distinct modification_timestamp, modified_by
from all_change_list
order by modification_timestamp desc

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