Hello everybody,
I am developing a application using hibernate 3.1, and my OldGen memory in the JVM is inscreasing till the system gets collapsed.
I have found that the problem is relared to Lists in Hibernate ( query.list(); ).
Any of you know how can I find out a solution to the problem ?
This is my code :
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- session = sessionFactory.openSession(); String sQuery = "FROM channel WHERE 1=1 AND ITVPLAT_FK ="+itvplat_fk+" AND CHANNELFUNCTIONALID='"+channelfid+"'"; java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = getCurrentJavaSqlTimestamp(); sQuery+=" AND VALIDFROM <= '" + timestamp + "' AND '" + timestamp + "' <= VALIDTO"; Query query = session.createQuery(sQuery);
List<channel> result = query.list(); session.clear(); session.close(); -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------