I have the following query, which doesn't seem to be working properly. Specifically, it's only returning a single record when multiple records should be returned. The Declaration domain object has a one-to-many relationship to the Stamp domain object. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
SELECT NEW org.cityofchicago.dor.ezdec.domain.declaration.NonRecordedDeclarationRecord(d, s) " + "FROM Declaration d left join d.stamps s " + "WHERE d.status != :assessorCompleted AND " + "d.status != :deedRecorded AND " + "d.status != :accepted AND " + "d.status != :open AND " + "d.status != :rejected AND " + "d.status != :submitForClosing AND " + "s.status = :stampStatus AND " + "d.propertyTransferDate < :today AND " + "d.county = :county " + "ORDER BY d.propertyTransferDate Asc