I'm new to developing web applications and I am attempting a similar task to what you've already accomplished. I understand Wicket and I understand Hibernate, but I have not yet figured out how to implement a persistence layer such as Hibernate in a Wicket application. I know how to annotate my objects or write a metadata file with that information, but I need help on what sorts of other descriptor files I need, and how to package the whole thing so I can deploy it as a web application on a web server (I am using Glassfish).
This may be the wrong forum to ask, but I figured either the poster or someone else may be able to help me out. What sort of persistence java classes do I need to create? How do I manage a Hibernate Session from within a Wicket framework - do I write in the Session/Transaction information into my HomePage.java class, Application.java class, or what?
I'm a novice, so any input would be greatly appreciated.