I am using hibernate 3.2.4.sp1, postgres 8.3.7 and Seam 2.1.
I am experiencing a very strange behavior with our application in terms of transaction commit, and I am not able to pinpoint what is causing this. Not even sure if it is hibernate or postgres.
I kick off a an asynchronous job (SLSB annotated with @Asynchronous) from a web request. This method is also annotated with tx not-supported (@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED)
This method, in a loop, calls another SLSB method which is annotated with tx requires-new. This second bean creates and persists a lot of new entities per call.
The second bean takes that same amount of time per invocation (since it is creating the same number of entities per invocation), however, the entity manager gets progressively slower in committing after the method finishes.
My understanding is that every new ejb transaction gets a brand new EntityManager setup (with out any baggage from previous transaction).
What is going wrong here?. How do I debug this issue.
Thanks in advance Vijay Gorla