Hi all, I'm using jboss 4.2.2 and facing performance issue.
My jboss handles about 100 HTTP request per/seconds and for each HTTP request, a couple of database query will be executed with hibernate. I have configed the size of jdbc connection pool as 50~140.
At the begging, jboss serves all requests well and only 50 jdbc connections are used. But after a while (about one hour), the number of free jdbc connections become less and less, at last all jdbc connection have been occupied and jboss doesn't work. Also I find before jboss stops working, the number of globally PreparedStatements increases a lot (from 0 to 6000), and then more and more free jdbc connection have been occupied. At the end, no free jdbc connections.
There is nothing strange in memory and CPU of the machine.
Do you have any idea about this?
Thank you very much!