I have a select Query that looks like this: extract="FROM table1 SR, table2 PD, table3 DR, table4 DF where SR.field in (:myype) and SR.fieldp = DF.filedp(+) and SR.fieldy = DF.fieldy(+) and SR.fieldx= (:mystring)";
This works fine when you run in directly on oracle... but hibernate doesn't like it.... I am getting the following error:
com.x.y.z.exceptions.ExtractException: Extract failed for the named query:FROM com.x.y.z.hibernate.Srestat SR, ..., com.x.y.z.hibernate.Table4 DF where SR.field in (:filingtype0_) and ... Caused by: org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateQueryException: unexpected token: ) near line 1, column 394 [FROM com.x.y.z.hibernate.Srestat SR, ..., com.x.y.z.hibernate.Table4 DF where SR.field in (:filingtype0_) and ... ]
Thank you in advance for looking at the error. And Please reply