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 Post subject: failed org.hibernate.PropertyNotFoundException:
PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:07 pm 

Joined: Fri May 22, 2009 11:14 am
Posts: 3

I got PropertynotfoundException in assigning a property to a set. Below is a snippet of hbm.xml file.

<set name="treserveFactors" table="REPORTER.TRESERVE_FACTOR">
            <key column="ANNUAL_STMT_LN_ID"/>
            <composite-element class="icp.entity.TreserveFactor">
                <property name="measureId" type="icp.entity.TreserveFactorPK" access="icp.entity.EventPropertyAccessor" column="MEASURE_ID"/>

I am not able to get the measureId property. The set is collection of table object TRESERVE_FACTOR. MEASURE_ID is one of the primay keys of the table TRESERVE_FACTOR.

When I created a POJO class for this table the system created two POJO classes,
TreserveFactorPK -- POJO class for all the primary key of the table TRESERVE_FACTOR.
TreserveFactor -- POJO class for the table TRESERVE_FACTOR. This class contains TreserveFactorPK as one of the class member.

Now, I have defined the EventPropertyAccessor class which implements the PropertyAccessor interface.

<property name="measureId" type="icp.entity.TreserveFactorPK" access="icp.entity.EventPropertyAccessor" column="MEASURE_ID"/>

The measureId is primary key of the table TRESERVE_FACTOR. But, it is member only in
TreserveFactorPK POJO class. This class is a POJO class of primary keys of the table TRESERVE_FACTOR.
I have defined the type ="icp.entity.TreserveFactorPK" here, because it measureID is a member of TreserveFactorPK class. But, I am getting the following exception,

Initial SessionFactory creation failed.org.hibernate.PropertyNotFoundException: Could not find a getter for measureId in class icp.entity.TreserveFactor

In debugging, I found that the class name it passes is icp.entity.TreserveFactor. But, I have defiend the type ="icp.entity.TreserveFactorPK".
But, the class value it takes it from

<composite-element class="icp.entity.TreserveFactor">

But, the property measureId is not defined in TreserveFactor.

Anyone help me???????????

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