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 Post subject: Best way to convert from a Set to an OrderedList
PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:46 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 07, 2004 4:19 pm
Posts: 38
Can anyone give the best way to upgrade from a one-to-many relationship type as a Set to a an OrderedList list using the list-index field.

I added the position column (the list-index field) and defaulted the value to 0. However, hiberate will only return one value if there are two items with the same position value. Is there an sql I can write as an upgrade or a flag to hibernate to handle this situation?

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:32 am 

Joined: Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:11 pm
Posts: 628
Location: Cincinnati
I'm not really answering your question but if it's worth anything to you, if you put the "order-by" in the mapping file you can continue to use a Set. Hibernate will use a LinkedHashSet, which is ordered. But you'd still need to keep proper values (unique natural numbers) in a db column


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:16 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 07, 2004 4:19 pm
Posts: 38
[quote="kochcp"]I'm not really answering your question but if it's worth anything to you, if you put the "order-by" in the mapping file you can continue to use a Set. Hibernate will use a LinkedHashSet, which is ordered. But you'd still need to keep proper values (unique natural numbers) in a db column[/quote]

We were thinking of doing this but the linkage table is being maintained by hibernate and there's no corresponding POJO. The advantage of using list-index is that it is maintained by hibernate automatically.

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