Here is the portion of the log (I had to make some changes in bold). sourceInformation is the name of the HashMap (One-Many relationship)
Cache lookup: com.XXXX.sourceInformation#1
DEBUG 13-03 14:49:00,040 (
key: com.XXXX.sourceInformation#1
DEBUG 13-03 14:49:00,040 (
Cached item was locked: com.XXXX.sourceInformation#1
Hibernate: select statement
DEBUG 13-03 14:49:00,040 (
Caching: com.XXXX.sourceInformation#1
DEBUG 13-03 14:49:00,040 (
key: com.XXXX.sourceInformation#1
DEBUG 13-03 14:49:00,040 (
Cached: com.XXXX.sourceInformation#1