I have been trying to use the generic dao pattern (DAOs as managed EJB 3.0 components) as described at
http://www.hibernate.org/328.html however I get the following error when I deploy the sample on Weblogic 10.
6xu6ho5qzhq\auction\dao\ejb3\UserDAOBean_oqan4_UserDAOImpl.java:193: modifier tr
ansient not allowed here
public transient java.util.List<auction.model.User> findByExample(auction.mode
l.User arg0, java.lang.String[] arg1)
**Note: This same error is repeated for each DAO.
Any thoughts on how to resolve this issue so I can use the generic dao? I took the sample AS-IS with no modifications to the code (I did update the persistance.xml to match our environment). We prefer to use managed EJB3
0 components and use assertions for configuration where possible so the persistence.xml is the only config file. No spring config, no ejb config, etc; is this part of the issue?
Thanks for any help or suggestions.