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 Post subject: Hibernate Validator for collections
PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 10:14 am 

Joined: Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:15 pm
Posts: 3
Hibernate version: 3.3.0

With the Hibernate Validator (release version 3.3.0 GA I believe) is it possible to put an Annotation for an entity collection.. Basically, I want to be able to type an annotation for each elements of a collection on the one-to-many relation...

Ex :
public class Owner {

messsage="Pet.property is invalids")
private Set<Pet> pets;


Where "@AnnotationToValideCollections" would validates each Pet elements of my collections with some conditions on the Pet property
and return message errors with simply calling the Hibernate Validator class :
ClassValidator addressValidator = new ClassValidator(Owner.class, ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", Locale.ENGLISH) ;

The problem I am having is that if some property of Pet may be null and
I do want to iterates the collections "pets" to check the property of Pet is NOT NULL for some particular case...

I do not believe there is a way to do it, but if someone may inform me if it's something possible or if it's new annotation for collection that will be release in next hibernate version.... I ahve a workaround in my project by iterates the collections in my controller but it's not clean...


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