I'm developing an application which the user can create and modify tables completely on the fly,
and we want to map and work with these tables in Hibernate.
The creation and modification of the tables is being done out of hibernate.
I want to map the dynamic tables to Maps and not to POJOs cause I dont know what they will be - and I saw that I can do this,
but I need to do it on the fly, and I dont want to create HBM files on the fly and then parse them to a Configuration,
but make the Configuration completely programmately and then create the SessionFactory.
My question is how can I do it,
and is there a good example of the entire process of creating a mapping for a table completely programmately
Another question I have regarding this issues,
is what can I do after a user have modified a table -
Can I update the mapping in the sessionFactory on the fly, or I need to change the Configuration, and build the sessionFactory again.
Thanks in advance,