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 Post subject: Hibernate+Oracle and Native Sql with where clause
PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:52 am 

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:04 pm
Posts: 4

I need to query oracle 10g and get order number using Hibernate.

for this i though of using native sql.

kept related HB jars in path along with ojdbc14.jar.

I tried using the following queries but could not get the order number through Hibernate.

But when i execute the below queries am getting the order number from SQL prompt.

Am using oracle 10g release 1 and Hibernate 3.2.6.

//String sql="select orderno from orders o where o.typec='s' and o.name='xxxx' and exists(select 'x' from source s where s.id=o.orderno)";

//String sql="select orderno from orders o,source s where o.typec='s' and o.name='xxxx' and s.id=o.orderno";

create table orders(orderno number, typec varchar2(10), name varchar2(10));
insert into orders(orderno,typec,name) values(10,'s','xxxx');
insert into orders(orderno,typec,name) values(11,'k','pppp');
insert into orders(orderno,typec,name) values(12,'p','zzzz');
insert into orders(orderno,typec,name) values(13,'l','dddd');

create table source(id number,name varchar2(10));
insert into source(id,name) values(10,'XXXX');
insert into source(id,name) values(11,'zzzz');
insert into source(id,name) values(12,'kkkk');

When executed from SQL prompt.

select orderno from orders o where o.typec='s' and o.name='xxxx' and exists(select 'x' from sou
rce s where s.id=o.orderno);


Is there anything i am missing to keep in path or Hibernate 3.2.6 does not work with Oracle 10g properly.

Is Hibernate 3.2.6 works with Oracle10g.

Or i need to use any other ......?

This is working with MySql5.

I need this to work with Oracle.

Your help is greatly appreciated.


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