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 Post subject: Update collection listener while updating collection's entit
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:46 am 

Joined: Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:32 am
Posts: 4
Hibernate version: 3.2.6


I'm using the interface PostCollectionUpdateEventListener to log changes in object's collection.
The listener is invoked when I add or remove an entity from the collection.
The listener is not being invoked while I'm updating an entity in the collection.
The listener that is being invoked here is PostUpdateEventListener, while I expected from the collection listener (PostCollectionUpdateEventListener) to be invoked due to changein an entity inside the collection.

Just to demonstrate the case, let say we have Order which has set of Item.
If I add a new Item to the Order's set the listener is invoked.
If I remove an Item from the Order's set the listener is invoked.
If I update an exists Item inside the Order's set the listener is NOT invoked.

Is it a known issue? Is it supposed to be like that?
Any solution for my case?


Iram Lewinger
Software Engineer

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