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 Post subject: Obtaining generated entity ID from JPA persist()
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 3:32 pm 

Joined: Wed Aug 27, 2008 3:23 pm
Posts: 1
I hope this is not a FAQ and that it's OK to ask JPA questions on this forum. I'm using JBoss with JPA and Hibernate.....

With Hibernate, I am able to retrieve the generated ID of a newly saved object via:

Serializable id = Session.save(newObject);

However, switching to JPA this is not an option since persist() does not return the new ID.

newObject.getId() is null after the call to persist(). I have also followed up with a call to flush() but this does not make a difference.

I have also tried using Hibernate save():

Serializable id = ((Session)em.getDelegate()).save(newObject)

where "em" is the JPA entity manager. This does not return a value either.

Have I missed something obvious? How can one obtain the ID of a newly persisted entity using JPA?


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