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 Post subject: insert select new query in hql
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:33 am 

Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:44 am
Posts: 1
Hoi guys,

I try to make the description of my problem as short as possible:

In sql I have:

insert into table_A
select property_1, property_2, property_3 from table_B where condition

This runs perfectly.
property_n are fields of table_A.

Let's say in hql table_A is represented by object_A and table_B by object_B.
object_A has a composite key made out of property_1 and property_2.

When I want to insert my select result into objec_A, I would like to modify property_2.

My first attempt just for the id of object_A by the select query is:

select new object_id_of_A(object_B.property_1, 'myConstantString') from object_B.

This is ok. When I want to complete the list of properties, like:

select new object_id_of_A(object_B.property_1, 'myConstantString'), object_B.property_3 as myProperty3 from object_B

I get an error (I use Hibernate Perspective):
org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: , ...

Digging a little bit further, I found in sql-gen.g the following:

: #(SELECT { handleClauseStart( SELECT ); beforeSelectClause(); } (d:DISTINCT)? x:selectExprList ) {
#selectClause = #([SELECT_CLAUSE,"{select clause}"], #d, #x);

selectExprList {
boolean oldInSelect = inSelect;
inSelect = true;
: ( selectExpr | aliasedSelectExpr )+ {
inSelect = oldInSelect;

: #(AS se:selectExpr i:identifier) {
#aliasedSelectExpr = #se;

: p:propertyRef { resolveSelectExpression(#p); }
| #(ALL ar2:aliasRef) { resolveSelectExpression(#ar2); #selectExpr = #ar2; }
| #(OBJECT ar3:aliasRef) { resolveSelectExpression(#ar3); #selectExpr = #ar3; }
| con:constructor { processConstructor(#con); }
| functionCall
| count
| collectionFunction // elements() or indices()
| literal
| arithmeticExpr
| query

What I retain from here is that I can either use a con:constructor (selectExpr) OR an aliasedSelectExpr, what means that the combination of both, i.e.

select new obj(), property_3 from table

is IMPOSSIBLE. Is it right? If the answer is yes, is there a workaround (with imbricated inserts or flying keywords in a 4-D screen with adjustable time parameter...)?

Thanks in advance.



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