I've got a fairly complex schema with dozens of buisiness objects with "interesting" interactions between them.
About half the properties are LAZY fetched, with the rest being EAGER.
I am suffering from various performance issues where hibernate pulls in a huge object tree, but I'm struggling to figure out what is pulling what in.
I have had a brief look at the SQL trace, but all it tells me is that things are being pulled in - not why they are :)
I've also tried debugging it through the stack traces - trying to look at the variables to see what pulled which objects in!
Is it possible to log or otherwise track what hibernate pulls in when?
I would ideally like to know: Object pulling it in, whether it is EAGER or LAZY fetching, and the resultant object(s) that were pulled in. This would enable me to put together a graph showing what pulled what in where.
If this isn't possible, are there other methods which might be useful to track down why this excess information is pulled in?
Thanks a lot,