Hi ,
I have Query as follows ,
select * from AUDIT_LOG where DOC_ID in (select doc_id
from INFORMATION where DOC_ID =261)
I would like to implement in the createcriteria.
Can any one suggest me how to implement?
Actually I am facing problem of association .
I have 1 more tabel in addation to the above.
this is the main table called Master_DOC and DOC_ID is the primary key .this column refered by both the tables ..
Also above tables have assoction with the Master_DOC .
At the time of fetching data both the table should check whether entry for Doc_id present in the MST_DOC.
so whatever DOC_ID's exists I should get the details from the AUDIT_LOG.
What problem I am facing is that classCast exception or wrong records are populated..
since INFORMATION table has SERIAL primary key. and I have made assoction with this table in the Audit_LOG and refering to DOC_Id but
hiberte is always firing query as Audit_LOG.doc_ID = Information.SERIAL.
Please help me ................................
Thanks in advance.