on a oracle 10g database a defined a table as follows:
create table contact(
id number(22) primary key not null,
attachment blob,
attachmentname varchar2(255))
tablespace users
storage (initial 2M pctincrease 0)
lob (attachment) store AS (
tablespace users
storage (initial 10M)
enable storage in row
pctversion 5
chunk 1
index lob_attachment_idx (tablespace users storage (initial 1M)));
tying to fill this table throu hibernate it has the result that only small data is filled into the Blob. arond 200 chars max. i get no errormessage.
my hibernate class looks like the following:
public class Contact extends APersistenceListable {
@SequenceGenerator(name="s_contact", sequenceName="s_contact", allocationSize=0)
@GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="s_contact")
private Long id;
private Blob attachment;
private String attachmentname;
public InputStream getBlobStream() throws SQLException {
if (getAttachment () == null) {
return null;
return getAttachment().getBinaryStream();
public void setBlobStream(InputStream sourceStream) throws IOException {
setAttachment (Hibernate.createBlob(sourceStream));
any solution for this problem?