I have a question concerning mapping of more than one table to a single class with hibernate and JPA. Here's what I want to do: I have an existing database with tables that look like the example I put at the end of this post. As you can see I have a table called configuration without prefixes which holds a list of companies, each of them have a identifier. I have also a bunch of tables for each company which are prefixed by a string containing the number for the company. Is there a possibility to use one class e.g for employee to map all the employee tables. One more thing I want to be able to add a new company during runtime and have hibernate gernerate the prefxed tables if possible.
db | |-f01234_employee |-f01234_company |-f01234_car | |-f09876_employee |-f09876_company |-f09876_car | |-configuration <- table containing the company numbers