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 Post subject: Manage Multiple Schemas with a c3p0 ConnectionCustomizer
PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:34 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 13, 2007 12:25 pm
Posts: 17
I have been trying to figure out the best way to manage the databases for a multi-organization software service, in which each organization has its own database. I have come up with the following solution, an implementation of the c3p0 ConnectionCustomizer:

package test.util.db;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;

import test.util.ThreadLocalDS;

import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ConnectionCustomizer;

public class MyConnectionCustomizer implements ConnectionCustomizer {

   public void onAcquire(Connection arg0, String arg1) throws Exception {}
   public void onCheckIn(Connection arg0, String arg1) throws Exception {
      String sql = "use idle"; // move this back to a generic DB
      PreparedStatement prep = arg0.prepareStatement(sql);

   public void onCheckOut(Connection arg0, String arg1) throws Exception {
      String sql = "use " + ThreadLocalDS.get();
      PreparedStatement prep = arg0.prepareStatement(sql);

   public void onDestroy(Connection arg0, String arg1) throws Exception {}

Then the custom implementation is specified as a hibernate/c3p0 property in my hibernate.cfg.xml file:

   <property name="hibernate.c3p0.connectionCustomizerClassName">test.util.db.MyConnectionCustomizer</property>

The ThreadLocalDS is just a thread local variable set to the database schema name, which is set when the application requests a singleton instance of the Hibernate SessionFactory object.

I have seen many people on this board and elsewhere looking for a solution to this type of problem, and this has worked pretty well for me recently. I am looking for any comments on how well this will hold up in a high load/concurrency situation. Obviously if transactions with multiple schemas are interleaved this could cause issues if the thread local variable isn't re-set properly. But in the case where each conversation is with a single database (for example a servlet thread uses the specified schema related to the requesting user), this should work, right? Is there any case where a connection to the wrong database could get passed back to the thread?

Obviously this is a fairly insecure solution because the database user used has to have access to all the databases in the pool.

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