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 Post subject: How to set the resultset size
PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:00 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:17 pm
Posts: 19
How can I set the number of items are returned back from an associated collection fetch when the parent object is retrieved with session.get or session.load?

I have a class called Album which contains an association to Artists (via one-to-many using a linking table) and some albums will have 20+ artists. When I retrieve it with 'album.getArtists' (where album was loaded with a session.get by album id), the SQL statements I see are broken up into multiple SELECTs on the Artist table with the number of items set to be retrieved varying between 10 (when there are 14 total artists) and 16 (when there are 29 artists).

The SQL statement generated looks like:
select artist0_.ID as ID6_0,
artists0_.Name as Name6_0
from Artist artist0_
where artist0_.ID in (?, ?, ?, ..)

For the album with 14 artists, I don't understand why all 14 would be returned with two SELECTs from Artists instead of one SELECT with the first asking for 10 items and the 2nd one with 4 items. For the one with 29 items, I see three queries with resultset sizes of 16, 10, and 2 respectively.

Is there a property that can be set to to return atleast a certain number of items in the result set so that atleast the one with 14 items will only take up 1 query instead of 2?

I have the following properties set in my hibernate configuration:

<property name="default_batch_fetch_size">16</property>
<property name="jdbc.fetch_size">32</property>
<property name="jdbc.batch_size">5</property>

There is a linking table between Album and Artist called AlbumArtistLink so full mapping relation ship is outlined as below:
<hibernate-mapping >
<class name="Album" table="Album" dynamic-update="true">
<id name="id" type="int">
<column name="ID" />
<generator class="identity"/>
<property name="name" type="string">
<column name="Name" length="128" not-null="true">
<set name="albumArtist" inverse="true" cascade="all, delete-orphan" lazy="true">
<column name="AlbumID" not-null="true">
<one-to-many class="AlbumArtist" />

<class name="AlbumArtist" table="AlbumArtistLink" dynamic-update="true">
<composite-id name="id" class="AlbumArtistId">
<key-property name="albumId" type="int">
<column name="AlbumID" />
<key-property name="artistId" type="int">
<column name="ArtistID" />
<many-to-one name="album" class="Album" update="false" insert="false" fetch="select">
<column name="AlbumID" not-null="true">
<many-to-one name="artist" class="Artist" update="false" insert="false" fetch="select" lazy="proxy">
<column name="ArtistID" not-null="true">
<property name="role" type="byte">
<column name="Role" not-null="true"/>


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