We recently migrated our Oracle 10g database to support UTF8 encoding on all strings. Everything seems to work ok except for the Hibernate yes_no type, which now always returns a false value whether the data is 'Y' or 'N'. Our java boolean properties are modeled as char(1) in the database. During the migration, we did not change the schema, however when we now look at those columns through Toad they are shown as char(4), obviously because of the UTF8 encoding. It seems that the Hibernate yes_no type doesn't support this new encoding. The hibernate.connection.defaultNChar property doesn't make any difference. Is there a known solution?
Database: Oracle 10g
Hibernate version: 2.0
Exceptions thrown: none
retrieval technique: session.load()
Sample mapping:
<property name="withForum" column="ALE_WITH_FORUM" type="yes_no" />