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Hibernate version: 3.2.5
I am trying to upgrade from version 3.1.3 to 3.2.5, and I am getting exceptions in BulkUpdates that are working fine in the old version (I am using Spring 2.0.8, with getHibernateTemplate().BulkUpdate() method).
I managed to narrow down the update query to something like
"update Person p set p.isWorking = true where p in (select Person p1 join p1.address where = 3)"
I know the inner select makes no sense, with the join not needed at all, and the where clause could have been on the outside with better results, but in my real query I need several of those joins, and even with one it doesn't seem to work anymore. I get a NullPointerException somewhere in the AST of the query.
Has anyone here noticed this kind of behaviour? Should I do my subselect in a different way?
Hope to get some advice here.
Thank you.