Hibernate version:
Hibernate 3.2.5
Hibernate Annotations 3.3.0.GA
Hibernate EntityManager 3.3.1.GA
Hi, i'm working just fine but i got a question.
I have a persisted object myInstance of class myClass. The class myClass has a boolean property named "active". myInstance's active value is true.
I change the myInstance's active property from true to false outside a transaction and don't do entityManager.update() on that object (in other words, i change the instance in memmory, not the database).
Then i do a query on this class asking for the objects that have active property value equal true and i get in that result myInstance. I know for sure that is myInstance becouse active property is false.
Just in case, the query is this:
Main.em.createQuery("from myClass where active = :active").setParameter("active", true).getResultList();
The query works just fine if i make entityManager.update(myInstance).
Is this behaviour ok?
Thanks in advance