Firstly, I will explain what it is my problem. I have several objects which need to keep track of its history. Everytime I save a change I have to create a history object and then modify it. The thing is that I modify the object and then i get the cop from the data base. In order to do this I have to play arround with the evict method. The problem comes when I try to load the old object from the data base calling refresh(), because it doen´t load all the attributes, in fact all attributes are null. After that, when I reassociate the modified object to the session, using lock(newObject, lockmode.none), when I save, it doesn´t do it.
any ideas???
protected BaseModelo getFisico(BaseModelo objetoActual) {
//Si no sacamos el objeto actual de la session da error el refresh
BaseModelo objetoFisico = null;
try {
objetoFisico = objetoActual.getClass().newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new DAOPadronException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new DAOPadronException(e);
// Control de error en la recuperación del objeto real de la BD
assert objetoActual != objetoFisico : "No se ha recuperado el objeto actualizado de la base de datos";
//Sacamos el objeto de Fisico de la session para al actualizar el id no de error al salvar.
//Lo he sacado de sesion y lo vuelvo a meter para que no me de problemas el lazy
getHibernateSession().lock(objetoActual, LockMode.NONE);
return objetoFisico;