Is anybody using hibernate and db2?
The issue I'm having is that I have three different schema's for each of the three different environments of test, integration and production. DB2 requires the schema be defined or it defaults to the ID.tablename where ID is the username that was used to establish the original connection.
I am using the <prop key="hibernate.default_schema">${defaultSchema}</prop> and using a property file to store the defaultSchema variable.
Does anybody have any idea how to work around this problem without having to deploy three separate ears with a different schema coded for each ear? I could hit the servers environmental variable to find out which server I'm on but that doesn't do me any good since everything in hibernate is done through xml.
My projects works flawlessly as long as I deploy the correct ear. with the correct schema, to the correct env.
I don’t this issue for my MS SQL or Synapse data sources of course as I don’t have to define a default schema.
Matt Hillesheim