Did you get an answer on this?
I am seeing exactly the same behaviour against a MySQL database.
In my case one of my columns includes a space and is escaped with `case number` in the file
I have switched the hibernate debug logging on and I get this:
23:09:03,296 DEBUG ifs:446 - custActions pre crit case number: 0085485 office: BIR
23:09:03,296 DEBUG ThreadLocalSessionContext:300 - allowing proxied method [createCriteria] to proceed to real session
23:09:03,328 DEBUG ifs:451 - custActions post crit case number: 0085485 office: BIR
The two IFS lines indicate the text before and after the criteria commands see here:
log.debug("custActions pre crit case number: "+caseNo+" office: "+office);
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(CustomeractionsId.class);
crit.add( Restrictions.like("casenumber", caseNo, MatchMode.END) );
crit.add( Restrictions.like("office", office, MatchMode.END) );
List result = crit.list();
log.debug("custActions post crit case number: "+caseNo+" office: "+office);
Does this correspond to any of your code/issues?