Hello All,
My query below is working:
Date fr, to;
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(2007, 8, 10, 0, 0);
fr = cal.getTime();
cal.set(2007, 8, 11, 0, 0);
to = cal.getTime();
Object[] parameters = { groupId, fr};
"from WebFile Wf where Wf.groupId = ? " + "and Wf.creationTimestamp >= ?"
but not with this:
Object[] parameters = { groupId, fr, to};
"from WebFile Wf where Wf.groupId = ? " + "and Wf.creationTimestamp >= ? and Wf.creationTimestamp <= ?"
and still not working with this either:
"from WebFile Wf where Wf.groupId = ? " + "and Wf.creationTimestamp between ? and ?"
Do you see anything wrong w/ the query string above? Thanks.