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 Post subject: Disjunction query with multiple criteria
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:39 am 

Joined: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:11 am
Posts: 3

I have read the forums and can see that I can perform a disjunction query i.e. select * from case where a=1 OR b=2 OR c=3 with multiple Criterion. The problem im struggling with is performing multiple OR queries with several Criteria...

I have a class with several lists of objects therefore I have several criteria to perform my restrictions e.g.

Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Case.class);
Criteria custCrit = crit.createCriteria("customers");
Criteria issueCrit = crit.createCriteria("issues");

i then perform restrictions on serveral criteria i.e. on the issueCrit criteria i do..

Criterion statusRaised = eq("issue", "blah");

This works and generates my SQL with AND restrictions between JOINS (ive simplified the sql greatky so hopefully the SQL is correct ;-)....

INNER JOIN customers
ON customer.id = case.id AND
ON issue.id = case.id WHERE issue=blah

However what I want is...

INNER JOIN customers
ON customer.id = case.id OR
ON issue.id = case.id WHERE issue=blah

looking at the API Restrictions.disjunction() allows me to add Criterion's but not Criteria objects. Am I misunderstanding something or have I structured my criteria incorrectly? How do is say OR with my Criteria's?

Many thanks, Andy

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