I have been facing this weird issue for sometime now, but it only occurs occasionally. On first web page I submit data and ask Hibernate to persist it, on next screen I simply load that data from database. Now, there are two things that happen:
1) On second screen at times I just do not see the one-many relation data.
2) On second screen I do see data but it is not visible in database.
What have I done so far:
- All one-many relations have cascade="all" and lazy="false"
- Hibernate configuration has following properties set as well:
<property name="query.factory_class">
<property name="hibernate.cache.use_query_cache">
<property name="hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache">
- I am using WebLogic's connection pool.
So anyone with any ideas? Thanks.
_________________ --
Adeel Javed,
Software Engineer,
Techlogix Pakistan (Pvt) Limited.
Web: http://pkblogs.com/adeeljaved