I'm trying to set-up a hibernate mapping that will load a set of "relationships" between "users", the complication arises due to the way that the table represents this information. I've tried a few permutations and I'm not having much luck so any pointers on this would be very appreciated.
Here are the tables in question, Nb: This is an overly simplified version:
Table users (
id (pk)
insert into users values (1, 'ABC corp');
insert into users values (2, 'John Smith');
insert into users values (3, 'Mary Jones');
Table relationships (
id (pk)
user_id (fk back to user)
related_user_id (fk back to user)
insert into relationships values (4, 1, 2);
insert into relationships values (5, 2, 3);
insert into relationships values (6, 3, 1);
So what I'd ilke to see is that when I load "John Smith" that it will load the relationships where either the user_id or the related_user_id is "John Smith".
According to the documentation I should consider something like:
<set name="relationships" inverse="true" cascade="all-delete-orphan">
<key column="user_id"/>
<one-to-many class="Relationship"/>
<loader query-ref="loadRelationships"/>
<sql-query name="loadRelationships">
<load-collection alias="r" role="User.relationships"/>
(r.USER_ID = :id) OR (r.RELATED_USER_ID = :id)
However the <key column="user_id"/> effectively "filters" out the related_user_id records so I only end up with "one side" of the data. Which isn't correct.
What would you suggest to solve this? Ps: I want to keep this as transparent as possible I.e. I don't want to make any changes outside of the mapping files.