Hi i am developing a portlet with hibernate spring myfaces etc...
between the development phase the portlet runs under jboss/portal with no problems.
now i have to switch to the liferay portal, and get a hibernate error.
Exception :
1....class path resource [WEB-INF/context/portlet/milestone.hbm.xml] cannot be opened because it does not exist at org.springframework.core.io.ClassPathResource.getInputStream(ClassPathResource.java:135)....
but the milestone.hbm.xml exists in the folder. i tryed to change it but nothing worked.
is there a special place for hibernate configuration files under liferay...?
here a snippet of the spring configuration with the mapping part:
1<property name="mappingResources">
2 <list>
3 <value>WEB-INF/context/portlet/milestone.hbm.xml</value>
4 </list>
so both files are located in the same directory.
any ideas...?