Hello Experts,
I want to code below SQL query using Criteria
SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT cc.cntn_id) FROM Category c1, Category c2 ,Content_Category cc WHERE cc.cat_id = c1.cat_id AND c1.prnt_id = c2.cat_id AND c2.srvc_id = 200
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT this_.CNTN_ID) AS y0_ FROM content_category this_ inner join category c1 ON this_.cat_id=c1.CAT_ID inner join Category c2 ON c1.prnt_id=c2.cat_id WHERE c2.srvc_id=200
Note: Without using IN, EXISTS, Only thru' joins
Here is my code:
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(ContentCategory.class, "cc") .setProjection(Projections.countDistinct("cc.id.contentId")) .add(Restrictions.eqProperty("cc.id.categoryId","c1.id")) .createAlias("cc.category.subCategories", "c1") .add(Restrictions.eqProperty("c1.category","c2.id")) .createAlias("cc.category", "c2") .add(Restrictions.eq("c2.service.id",srv.getId())) .setResultTransformer( Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY );
The output of hibernate generated query is:
select count(distinct this_.CNTN_ID) as y0_ from content_category this_ inner join category c2x2_ on this_.cat_id=c2x2_.CAT_ID inner join Category c1x1_ on c2x2_.CAT_ID=c1x1_.cat_id where this_.CAT_ID=c1x1_.CAT_ID and c1x1_.PRNT_ID=c2x2_.CAT_ID and c2x2_.srvc_id=?
I tried many ways, but failed to get my query
Please help me to get that query using Criteria...